
Saturday, December 30, 2023


A wonder...

I sense you,

Oh Father,

Awe ensues!



  • 1.a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable:"he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child"Similaraweadmirationwondermentfascination
  1. Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever. Brothers and sisters, do you have any idea—do you have any notion or inkling whatsoever—of how much we love you?

  2. Status Code: 403. In our Northern Hemisphere, we are enjoying in this beautiful, bursting season of the year one of the great recurring miracles of nature—the regeneration and renewal of the earth that we call spring. There may be a few wintry days left, but the sun has begun its vernal return, the buds are appearing on the flowers and trees ...

  3. Apr 6, 2021 · The worldwide pandemic forced us to relocate the broadcast to Goshen, Utah, where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has re-created, for filming, a section of old Jerusalem. Sister Rasband and I were within a few miles of Goshen that Sunday evening when we saw thick smoke coming from the direction of our destination.

  4. Apr 6, 2021 · Callings Sharing the Gospel Volunteer and Serve Temples Family History. News. Newsroom Events Broadcasts. About Us. Who We Are Our Story What We Believe Learn More with Missionaries. Resources. My Home Donations Temple Appointments Leader and Clerk Resources Missionary Portal Ward Directory and Map Calendar Meetinghouse Locator ...

  5. Apr 6, 2021 · Scriptural history attests that people converted by signs and wonders soon forget them and again become susceptible to the lies and distortions of Satan and his servants (Hel. 16:23; 3 Ne. 1:22, 3 Ne. 2:1, 3 Ne. 8:4.). …

  6. Apr 6, 2021 · It goes like this: “God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.” I would like to refer today to a few of the wonders that the Lord has performed and is performing in order to prepare for that glorious coming of His Only Begotten Son as the prophets have foretold.

  7. Apr 6, 2021 · Serve. Callings Sharing the Gospel Volunteer and Serve Temples Family History. News. Newsroom Events Broadcasts. About Us. Who We Are Our Story What We Believe Learn More with

Monday, December 18, 2023

Magic Hour

The magic hour
At dawn or at eve
Has a glow, a power
For dreams to believe.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Thrill of Hope

Look for the miracle
That gives you more time!
Feel the thrill of hope,
Knowing it's a sign!

Hope. Endure. Believe.
The gift of Christ is real!
Midst this precious life we live,
His angels come and heal!

Another Christmas
Maybe one more year?
Blessed for each new season
Knowing the call home is near

Loving The Christmas Devotional 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Light of Christ

The light of Christ 
within all man 
leads us to truth
 it is God's plan

For our conscience
 and for our peace 
That righteousness 
But more increase

He lights the world 
with love and might
search through His word 
and do what's right

His light can shine
 to all the Earth 
We have His light 
What is of worth?

Saturday, November 25, 2023


A spark can fizzle out
Or warm your heart to grow
It can be doused by doubt
Or flame with faith because, "You know!"

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Start your investigation 
Dig for what is true
Find the firm foundation 
Faith will see you through 

Trust Experience

Trust in experience
Be the best you.
Don't judge yourself
Based on what others do.

Wings as Eagles

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Learn the Song

Learn the song that each heart sings.
Feel the joy that each day brings!

Then, richer than most kings and queens
Live your life on eagle's wings!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

President Dallin H. Oaks speaks at funeral service for Latter-day Saint ...

It's a glorious experience
to share a testimony bright, 
to speak with love and feel
encircled with Christ's light!

President Jeffrey R. Holland speaks at funeral service of M. Russell Bal...
Flowing from the sacrifice 
of the atoning lamb-
What splendor in God's plan!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Served in Portions

What portion do you want of the spirit today?  It's yours just ask next time you pray.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Our Conscience

Our light within
It comes of Christ
So it won't dim
We choose the right

Our light within 
It comes of Christ
Our conscience, then
It steers us right

Monday, October 9, 2023


Let His pure Light shine
Not just upon your face 
Go where you will find
Yourself in a holy place

God is your source of help
First, for all else pails 
So, surround yourself
Where His Spirit dwells

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Swearing Prisoners in Need of Light

Swearing leaves us as prisoners

Limited in hopes and dreams

Refrain and become listeners

Who build up worth and self-esteem

  1. Truth: Following the Lord’s way builds a sense of eternal worth. The Lord taught that His ways are not the same as the world’s ways and that “my ways [are] higher than your ways” ( Isaiah 55:8–9 ).

Learning a New Language- Emersion

 Learn the pure language of love

Where the spirt can speak.

Pray to Our Father above.

Read, serve, give, and be meek.

Let Him be a part of your dreams.

Carry His Light, in your heart

Give of yourself and your means.

And ask His will to impart

Then the Comforter always shares His voice when we testify...

Thinking about Elder Stevenson's Sat afternoon General Conference talk 9/30/23 

Saturday, September 9, 2023


A desirable consequence 
from your baptismal day 
through faithful obedience
 is to have the spirit always.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

He Chose You

Despite weaknesses
Even suffering 
Jesus chose you
Knowing everything 

Not to pull you down
But, to raise you up
Even to surround
YOU, with His peace and love

Sunday, August 6, 2023

A "Ticktock" Moment

 A "ticktock" moment

Triggers you to the past

When you were a small child

In a memory made to last

There should be a word for when you have this moment so I named it "ticktock".  We have deju vu to describe the feeling you have experienced something already.  But, what do you call it when you have a moment that you reexperience the feelings of your youngest childhood memories? An example is the magic and wonder of Christmas morning.

Too bad you can't say, "I had a mini me moment."

Prayer's the Perk

Life is hard

It is work

In each  job

Prayer's the perk

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.

  1. Apr 4, 2016 · 1. God is using your workplace to focus your faith. There are no meaningless moments when life is contemplated in light of the glory of God. God created us to live for him and his glory. It is our chief calling in life. Whatever we do, we are to do for his glory ( 1 Corinthians 10:31 ).

  2. Ultimately, your true employer is God. And His is the only appreciation that you need. That is why when you go to work, you have to remember that you are serving God. I never wake up in the...

Do Not Dally

This burden you carry

Has left you alone!

In danger, do not dally!

Seek the one who did atone



  • 1.act or move slowly:"workers were loafing, dallying, or goofing off"SimilardawdledelayloiterlingerOppositehurry
  • 2.have a casual romantic or sexual liaison with:"he should stop dallying with movie stars"

Angels Know "It's Time"

 Angels among us know

When it's our time to go

Like dusk once the sun dips

They linger as life slips

Be a Peacemaker

 Be a peacemaker

calm and cool

When pride does strike

Don't fan the fuel

Over It!

I am over it

Find another way

I find this toxic

And that is not okay!

Stand up for yourself in a toxic relationship.

Answer (1 of 2): It means that once you had an interest in something or someone but now you have lost it... you are over it. You don't care anymore, that thing doesn't affect you the way it did before...

A GIft to Yourself

 I give myself two hours

To escape the world

To gain spiritual power

and absorb the Lord and truth

Take Jesus With You

Take Jesus with you

Wherever you go

At school or at play

You've His light to show

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Magic Hour

The magic hour 
At dawn or dusk
Sets aglow power
For hope and trust

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


You're so happy. Then, you're blue.
You're filled with joy! Then, there's doubt
The onus is on you 
To get your emotions out.

Monday, June 19, 2023

All Excuses Will Fade

All excuses will fade, just like smoke in the wind. 
Did we go our own way or show love in the end? 
Is there oil in our lamp that is ready to burn? 
For the Bridegroom, at last, are we eager and yearn?

Imagine a day or time when people are speechless and unable to come up with an excuse! I put things off all the time.  Sad.

Filter Through the News (wearable-peritoneal-dialysis-device)

 Filter through the news

For what benefits man

Patients can now choose

A more mobile plan!

Dreaming the impossible

Based on what so many need

They've launched, like a miracle-

Wearable dialysis-

That puts patients on their feet.

Thinking of Elder Holland. How it must have pained him to not attend general conference and speak to us with his typical strong convictions that are heartfelt with emotion, compassion, and love. Imagine a portable dialysis! He would have been able to attend. Hopefully this new technology becomes a thing. How incredible is that? › leaders › 2023/4/6Official Church statement: Elder Holland health - Church News

Apr 6, 2023 · Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is taking two months off to focus on his health, according to an official statement released by The Church of Jesus Christ of

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Rubbing Shoulders

Rub shoulders, as a leader,
Do not flatter.
The world has grown more eager.
To address the needs that matter!

to meet or spend time with someone socially, esp. someone important or famous: He loved his job because he got to rub shoulders with high-powered


When homes are stricken 
With spiraling results.
Shocked, heart sicken
Emotions tumult!


Be like Daniel 
In Babylon
Who did not cave to fear
Know to whom you can rely on
And hold to your covenants dear

Monday, June 12, 2023

Radiant Countenance

A countenance
That's glowing and bright
Radiates love
From Christ's own pure light

Vividly glowing and shiny.
Expressive of love confidence, or happiness,emitted%20or%20transmitted%20by%20radiation

The Measure of the Stature of Christ

Individually and communally
We can feel pure joy, peace, and light;
Through the Way that is come of the measure 
Of the perfect stature of Christ.

Let the high hope He has for you
Lift and encourage you through.
Despite disappointments and setbacks 
His grace will transform you with Light, anew!

Ephesians 4:13
King James Bible
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, 
and of the knowledge of the Son of God, 
unto a perfect man, 
unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Stopped dead, in my tracks,
As one thrown for a loop.
Without God,  how I lack!
It is time to regroup!


stop (dead) in (one's) tracks 1. To stop at the exact spot where one is and hold motionless

knock (one) for a loop. To shock, surprise, astonish, or bewilder one, especially in a distressing or upsetting manner.

When do people reorganize?

  • People tend to regroup after some kind of defeat, loss, or difficulty. Armies need to regroup after losing on the battlefield, and football teams will regroup at halftime after a difficult first half. You can also use words like reorganize or restructure, or even mobilize to substitute for the verb regroup.