
Monday, May 1, 2023

Femininity Found

You may not always, in thought, be given
To want to shop or be socially driven 
You may not choose to twirl or flip your hair 
Or talk with your hands flittering in the air 

You may not giggle while covering your mouth 
Or piercingly scream at the sight of a mouse 
You may not lift up your nose or roll your eyes 
Or sob with sad shoulders at goodbyes 

You may not be seen at the baby showers 
Or found dreaming of romance at all hours 
You may not be given to color your nails 
Or watch your figure or obsess with the scales

 You may be different and that's a OK 
You're a child of God who made you that way 
Your beauty is found when you do what you love 
And nurture those gifts given from above

Purpose is found when you forget yourself 
And open up to others and offer your help
Laugh with joy and dance about
You are a woman, have no doubt!

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