Tuesday, November 23, 2021
A Chartered Day
Sunday, November 14, 2021
The Band of Babylon
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Eyes to See
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Eyes to See
I know and believe
In the power of prayer
From morning to eve
Heavenly Father is there
Study solutions
Examine your pleas.
There's no exclusion.
It's through faith that one sees!
Eyes to see
Ears to hear
Have faith, seek
Answers near
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Golden Circle
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Friday, June 4, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Fear? Not!
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
I testify that the Savior lives. He understands unfairness. The marks in the palms of His hands continually remind Him of you and your circumstances. He ministers to you in all your distress.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Signs of the Second Coming Temporal and Spiritual
These troubling times
Aren't going away
Don't be deceived
Signs are coming our way
Wickedness, floods
Turmoil, famines, disease
Earthquakes, fires, storms
Yet, with Christ there is peace
Be not troubled
Anticipate the day
When Christ returns
And death is done away
Prepare your heart
Keep oil in your lamp
The Bridegroom nears
In holy places, stand
How would your life be different if you did not have your covenants?
Signs of the Second Coming
Temporal signs- parallels with Book of Mormon found in Helaman and 3rd Nephi:
political division
individuals seeking to destroy personal liberty
an enemy not known or seen
enemy forces gather
political strife distracts the government from seeing the enemy
lack of national security and defense
in heights of prosperity and industry reject the Lord
pride is commonplace
dishonesty, immorality (child trafficking)
Satan has power
iniquity shall abound
secret combinations
distinguished by ranks for riches and chances for learning
pride, power, puffed up in authority, riches and vain things of the world
knowing commandments, sin anyway
few righteous
people as a whole reject the Lord
stone prophets, apostasy
persecute followers of Christ
hearts of man wax cold
physical signs of nature:
fires- lightening
hailstorms destroy crops
signs in the heavens
Spiritual signs:
The Protestant Reformation and renaissance
The discovery and colonization of America
Establishment of the American Nation
Discovery and the use of printing
Translation and printing of the Bible
Establishment of the U.S. Constitution
Restoration of gospel
Restoration of the Priesthood
Coming forth of the Book of Mormon
The Spirit shall be poured out on all flesh
Latter day Revelation
Growth of the Church
Building of Latter day temples
Elijah Returning
The Lord is to come suddenly to the temple
Genealogical research will be increasing
Worldly knowledge will increase
Scientific and inventive progress
Missionaries and temples in every land
The gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman will initiate events
Temple in New Jerusalem
Lost 10 tribes return
Two prophets in the holy land killed
Destruction of Damascus
World War Coalition invasion against Israel
Iran Afghanistan Pakistan (Persia)
Russia (Magog) (Bear)
Turkey (Meschech and Tubal) (Gomer) (Togarmah)
Ethiopia/Sudan/Somalia (Cush)
Libya (Put)
Syria (King of the North)
Egypt (King of the South)
Saudi Arabia (Ishmaelites)
Lebanon (Tyre)
Armenia (Togarmah)
Revelations beast
China (dragon)
Russia (bear)
Afghanistan (leopard)
England (lion)
the Mediterranean Sea Anti-Christ (beast)
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Let the shadows come and go
And the wind do as it must
For life's lessons through them grow
As we learn in whom to trust
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
A Mess
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Saturday, April 3, 2021
When things become unfair
In humility, turn to God for help
Trust. You will persevere
He will make of you a better self
49 mins ago — Elder Dale G. Renlund: 'Infuriating Unfairness'. Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Practice Peace
Practice peace
Through Christ's principles of light
Virtues please
And come from choosing what's right
Hope, Healing, and Pure Progess
For hope, healing, and pure progress
That the Lord's mercy can provide
Clear the debris at your address
And invite Him in to reside
Gathering and hauling off debris is a costly ordeal especially in renovations. The church took great care to responsibly sort and dispose of debris from the Salt Lake temple work. Are we not also a temple of God?
“As we listen to the messages that have been carefully prepared by our leaders under the direction of the Holy Ghost, I invite you to pray to identify the debris you should remove from your life so you can become more worthy,” he said.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
The Key to Heaven's Door
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Getting Real
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
True Rest
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Book of Mormon. Witnesses
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Hold On
Monday, February 8, 2021
Standing Still
Friday, February 5, 2021
Thursday, February 4, 2021
plan B
Care Repair of Partial Poems
Tailspin Survivor
When tragedy overtakes us
And stops us in our tracks
Only love and faith in Jesus
Keeps us from falling through the cracks
Pandemic Pause
Weary Wary Damage Control
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
He Is Waiting
Monday, February 1, 2021
The Prince- Our Prince
The prince is mighty and fearless
Obedient and strong.
In wisdom, he is matchless,
And can right each wrong.
All of his subjects follow him
With optimism and love.
He has proven how much he loves them.
He is both merciful and tough
Our prince is loving and loyal
So benevolent his grace,
That he is unafraid to toil.
He takes on what's hard to face!
He protects the innocent.
His heart is made of gold.
To those in need, he is sent.
He is both meek and bold!
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Shielded from the Enemy- Joseph Smith
Why should I now yield
To the enemy near?
The Lord is my shield
I'll not tremble in fear.
What can mere man do,
If the Lord is my friend?
I'll see this life through
To the ultimate end!
I'll follow this course
I'll follow God's plan
I'll know not remorse
For He is at hand!
Shielded from the enemy
Until his martyrdom
This prophet's friend, indeed,
Was God's own living Son!
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Martyrdom - Church of Jesus Christ
God Almighty is my shield, and what can man do if God is my friend. I shall not be sacrificed until my time comes. Then I shall be offered freely.” 2. One of the most pointed and poignant of Joseph Smith’s martyrdom prophecies was made to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the spring of 1844.
The Heavens Will Open
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Something's Missing
Desire to find what's missing,
to gain an authentic soul,
This will truly be a blessing
For there is purpose in one's role
Sunday, January 17, 2021
How to be a Witness
How to be a witness
Of things of the Lord
Requires meekness
And trust in God's Word.
Through mistakes and repentance
the work does roll forth.
The one's exempt
Of promise... of worth...
It is as though God says, and forgive me for thinking words come from Him:
Let me come in
And make something of you
The veil can thin
Come, watch what I can do
Pull Yourself Together
Pull yourself together
It is time to move on
Humility gather
Weaknesses can be strong
Though fit for the cause,
You may need to pause;
To work on your faith
And build up your strength
Just thinking about Joseph Smith and the lost manuscript. God reminds Joseph he is still chosen to do the work. Those couple of months were needed to learn what he needed to again qualify for the work.
To gain an eye single to the glory of God
humility repentance mercy
remember who to fear
Desire to find what is missing to become authentic to your soul.
Purpose shatters.
Let good works abound.
Merit matters.
That's how trust is found
Shortcomings. though
Christ can make up
Faith, hope, charity
Can be enough
God's Word Before our Eyes
It Is Time
It is the Humble
The Better Prize
Friday, January 15, 2021
Winds of Tribulation
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Susan Easton Black: my testimony of Prophet Joseph Smith
Random Or NOT? A New Year, Big Numbers, and Reflection
1,006,405 views through randomness
Is this what it all comes down to?
After having written thousands and thousands of poems
Somehow one poem has found its way to you!
Angst and creativity.
I have known many periods of doubt. Why am I writing? Do I even have an ear for writing poems? I I have felt like I have felt pain, shame, embarrassment, and grief over being a poet.. I like the absorption of pondering and trying to say things with words. (limited meaningful words.) Mental illness? I have often thought something flowed well and liked it. When I went back to it, I saw mistakes. I submitted some poems here and there. Rejection! Have I ever written something that is worthy of attention? Will that ever happen? What is the purpose of it all? I have certainly slowed down. Is there something I am meant to write? If I give up, I will never find out!
One thing that can't be said of my writing is that I procrastinate. Quite the opposite is true. I have been known to keep paper and pencil with me. I can get lost in an interest to write about. Sometimes words will wake me in the night. I know that words won't stay and so I go to the bathroom where I can turn the light on and not wake anyone. Once I lost a handful of poems while traveling. I had written them in the margins of an Ensign. I felt sick. I felt like they were inspired and I had not treasured them. I prayed about this and in the night I felt I wrote new and improved versions. I was so grateful and relieved for that experience. Sometimes I write out of habit, missing those moments of absorbed thought and pondering. It can be a scary feeling to not by inspired by much or at all. Hmmm. Here I reflect on a dozen years of angst like it is all behind me. I have definitely slowed down. Aging? The concussion? Post Covid exhaustion? I am not as intune with the spirit. Except, I did feel impressed to write this. Giving thanks is always a good thing. This reflection has been good for me, as I feel like I am at a turning point.
An old rusty hinge moved with quite a moan and a creek.
Light entered the room. There was something beyond to seek!
Who is not too busy to open the door and look?
Treasures from the past were growing dust in every nook!
Incredible Moments
Start a Blog
I wanted to personally give some poems to a general authority. This probably isn't to be encouraged. I was torn between doing this and not being a nuisance. (I often find the words from general conference inspiring.) I waited at the park after conference and the parking lot was almost cleared out. Am I a stalker or something? I found myself visiting with a man in a wheelchair who had had a series of health setbacks and had lost his legs. He had this persistent thought/question/concern about the days we live in. He felt that adults in his family were not acting like adults for their children. He saw this as a serious problem in our day. I almost missed seeing the stake president as I shared what I was up to and a little about the gospel. The general authority come out of the building. I think I would have missed my moment except I saw something that caught my eye- a light. I can't describe what I saw for I felt it was just for me. It was amazing. I crossed the neighborhood street and thanked the general authority and gave him some poems. He asked me if I had considered blogging to share them. I felt this was a confirmation that in spite of all my self doubt, I had a place in the poetry society or at least my membership's community. Well at least I pushed an anti-Mormon poet from being in the forefront when someone googled the words "lds poetry". Yes, this is absolutely true!
A Book
We had just moved to Nevada and had a treasured moment when family came to visit. Something that I doubted would ever happen! My step-daughter asked everyone to sit down together and share their "bucket lists". I had never heard of this. A bucket list is a list of what you want to accomplish before you die. I shared how I wanted to write a book and to have it published. The next day, I shared this with a co-worker. She told me her daughter is a publisher locally. Wow. I saw it as permission to start immediately. I had read a series of books called "Son of Man" by Susan Easton. These books give you a sense of who Jesus was as a man raised as a Jew and how all the Jewish traditions point to the coming of the Savior. I felt passionate about writing on this topic as I have a dear friend who misses/mourns for his family and Jewish traditions/community. (It is a beautiful religion to learn from.) I wanted him to value his Jewishness and his contribution to discussions in Sunday school. After a very short period, the book was complete, though I kept adding to the bill through images and edits. I felt trapped in a money racket for a second. The crazy thing is, when I got the box of books, I got a bonus that paid for the whole thing! I worked for a private school and it was a one time way to show appreciation for the big turn around in enrollment. What a blessing: "Jesus Christ, Son of Man, A Jew" by Kelly Miller
Thank you
If you read this thank you! Please don't judge me as a bad poet. I am a work in progress.
But, more importantly, it was good for me to write this!