
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Signs of the Second Coming Temporal and Spiritual

These troubling times

Aren't going away

Don't be deceived

Signs are coming our way

Wickedness, floods

Turmoil, famines, disease

Earthquakes, fires, storms

Yet, with Christ there is peace

Be not troubled

Anticipate the day

When Christ returns

And death is done away

Prepare your heart

Keep oil in your lamp

The Bridegroom nears

In holy places, stand

How would your life be different if you did not have your covenants?

Signs of the Second Coming

Temporal signs- parallels with Book of Mormon found in Helaman and 3rd Nephi:

    political division

    individuals seeking to destroy personal liberty

    an enemy not  known or seen

    enemy forces gather

    political strife distracts the government from seeing the enemy

    lack of national security and defense

    in heights of prosperity and industry reject the Lord

    pride is commonplace

    dishonesty, immorality (child trafficking)

    Satan has power

    iniquity shall abound

    secret combinations

    distinguished by ranks for riches and chances for learning

    pride, power, puffed up in authority, riches and vain things of the world

    knowing commandments, sin anyway

    few righteous

    people as a whole reject the Lord

    stone prophets, apostasy

    persecute followers of Christ

    hearts of man wax cold

physical signs of nature:



    fires- lightening 


    hailstorms destroy crops

    signs in the heavens

Spiritual signs:

The Protestant Reformation and renaissance

The discovery and colonization of America

Establishment of the American Nation

Discovery and the use of printing

Translation and printing of the Bible

Establishment of the U.S. Constitution

Restoration of gospel

Restoration of the Priesthood

Coming forth of the Book of Mormon

The Spirit shall be poured out on all flesh

Latter day Revelation

Growth of the Church

Building of Latter day temples

Elijah Returning

The Lord is to come suddenly to the temple

Genealogical research will be increasing

Worldly knowledge will increase

Scientific and inventive progress

Missionaries and temples in every land

The gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman will initiate events

Temple in New Jerusalem

Lost 10 tribes return

Two prophets in the holy land killed

Destruction of Damascus

    World War Coalition invasion against Israel

Iran Afghanistan Pakistan (Persia)

Russia (Magog) (Bear)

Turkey (Meschech and Tubal) (Gomer) (Togarmah)

Ethiopia/Sudan/Somalia (Cush)

Libya (Put)

Syria (King of the North)

Egypt (King of the South)

Saudi Arabia (Ishmaelites)

Lebanon (Tyre)

Armenia (Togarmah)

Revelations beast

China (dragon)

Russia (bear)

Afghanistan (leopard)

England (lion)

the Mediterranean Sea Anti-Christ (beast)


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