
Sunday, August 16, 2020


How do you both protest
And keep the Spirit, too?
Confront any presence 
Of pride inside of you

Develop a firm mind 
And an open heart.
The common ground, find
That's the place to start

Thinking about the Book of Mormon and all the wars. When is it okay to protest? Carry arms? 

We can be softened because of affliction...
We can be empathetic and understand the challenge of succumbing to sin, holding on to hatred, and following winds of doctrine that give false hope.
We can humbly seek for confidence, through the spirit, prayer, the scriptures, and guidance of prophets, to worthily fight injustice with a willing heart to, in a righteous cause, lay down our lives in protection of our lives, our freedom, our religion, our families, and our land.
We, then, can have righteous anger, faith, and strength to know what God would have us do as we see the enemy befriend, build up and support each other to undermine, craft evil, kill, and seek to destroy all that is good!
We can remind and try to soften hearts.
We can protest and unite to disassociate/ boycott. 
We can use the rule of law and make injustices known.
We can call on government for protection
We can fight along side government in the protection of our God given rights.
We can carry arms.

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