
Sunday, February 23, 2020

plan of Salvation

Do your best
Every day
You will be blessed 
Believe and pray

Trust in His eternal.plan
Always remember Jesus Christ 
He who atoned for every man
Offers help at any price

The Holy Ghost is here for man
To testify of what is right
According to our Father's plan
He is our source for truth and light

Our prophet is here also
To move God's church ahead
That, in faith, we each might grow
As by the spirit we are led

That our obedience be exact
We set our hearts upon the altar
To recommit, to do- in fact
And to repent where we falter

Look to the lighthouse of the Lord 
He will lead us safely home
He is there through any storm
We are never left alone

He live.
He loves.
He waits for us.
As we navigate this life.
It is for us to learn to trust
And follow His guiding light

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