
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Coming Revolution Inside of Mormonism

The Coming Revolution Inside of Mormonism: There are many things that lead me to believe that there's a coming revolution that will be taking place inside of Mormonism

Come and be welcome
Whatever state you're in

You will be well soon
And feel Christ's love within

"I see a place where people have study groups again to provide support for those that need friends to talk to about the things they hear on the internet and social media. I see a place where people support one another, ask questions, resolve concerns, and speak honestly about the things that give them trouble in life and in the church. I see a time where “home-teaching” is just referred to as “ministering” and more lessons will revolve around love and not quotas. I see a time where “fellowshipping” will be replaced by “friend-shipping” and where pure love is a stronger motivator than guilt."

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