
Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Heartfelt Man of God Treasuring Each Day as a Gift From God

A yellow graphic with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Above all, do not be selfish! … Celebrate … each day together as a treasured gift from heaven.”

I watched April 2017 #ldsconference and was overwhelmed with Russell M. Nelson's hands
and his words about the heart.  I was left pondering this once surgeon who
literally has held hearts in his hands.
Who now, through the priesthood, spiritually repairs hearts of all kinds.
From the depths of your heart
Stretch forth to Christ.
Let His healing impart.
He hears your cries.
This morning I shared the biblical story of the woman who suffered for 12 years with a debilitating problem. I’d like to invite you to consider the significance of her reaching to touch the Savior.
She exercised great faith, exclaiming, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” This faithful, focused woman needed to stretch as far as she could to access His power. Her physical stretching was symbolic of her spiritual stretching.
Many of us have cried out from the depths of our hearts a variation of this woman’s words: “If I could spiritually stretch enough to draw the Savior’s power into my life, I would know how to handle my heart-wrenching situation. I would know what to do. And I would have the power to do it.”When you reach up for the Lord’s power in your life with the same intensity that a drowning person has when grasping and gasping for air, power from Jesus Christ will be yours. When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him—when He can feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw His power into your life—you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you need to do. #LDSconf

Here is my journey pondering his role as a surgeon that led to being an apostle.

A Prophet's Surgeon: Russell M. Nelson -

Russell MNelson: Father, Surgeon, Apostle ... selective coronary arteriogram and found that President Kimball's heart was being overworked because of severe ...
Before Kimball was ordained
His heart needed to be right
That he'd be disabled pained...
But this burden was made light

Of presidents' of the church, there had been three deaths in three years and President Kimball was next in line to be the prophet.  He did not want to be a burden on the brethren.  Harold B. Lee (the prophet at the time) instilled confidence into President Kimball that the surgery was the right thing!  Russell M. Nelson gave new meaning to the definition of sustaining your leaders.  He did surgery on President Kimball and wrote a letter of his confidence in his abilities to function as he was soon called to be a prophet because Harold B. Lee died of cardiac and lung failure!
His heart was failing
But not his faith
Each suture was seen
Before my face

Elder Nelson acted on another's faith and added his own through much prayer- and a miraculous new procedure was revealed while looking at the damaged heart in surgery.

Russell M Nelson Teachings

Priesthood power can also calm the minds and heal fractures in the hearts of those ...

dear to the heart, 

heart-changing process of laying down your sins, 

even giving ..your heart, know in your heart, treasure in the heart, 

win the heart, a faithful heart, open your heart, penetrate your heart, 

a good and honest heart, speak to your heart, human heart, 

Joy and Spiritual Survival - By President Russell M. Nelson -

Joy and Spiritual Survival - By President Russell M. Nelson. ... When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy ... so there were holes between the logs large enough for a cat to crawl through. .... As this principle is embedded in our hearts, each and every day can be a day of joy and gladness.

“A More Excellent Hope” - Ensign Feb. 1997 - ensign -

By Elder Russell M. Nelson ... Hope is part of our religion and is mentioned in one of the Articles of Faith: “We follow the ... “Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts.” ...

A Plea to My Sisters - By President Russell M. Nelson -

Sisters, do you realize the breadth and scope of your influence when you speak those things that come to your heart and mind as directed by the Spirit?

The Price of Priesthood Power - By President Russell M. Nelson

In June, I literally knelt in front of Jimmy, now 88 years old, and had a heart-to-heart talk with him. I spoke of his daughters' pleadings and told him I would be ...

Messages of Hope from Russell M. Nelson - Deseret Book

In Hope in Our HeartsElder Nelson brings his remarkable grasp of the gospel and his ...

President Russell M. Nelson: 'A Plea to My Sisters' | Deseret News

.. He spoke of the heartbreak he felt as a heart surgeon, 58 years ago, when ...

The Creation - Russell M. Nelson -

Any manmade creation is possible only because of our divine Creator. .... His prophet today, whom I sustain with all my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Russell M. Nelson: Applying Divine Laws - Ensign June 1984 ...

As a heart surgeon, Dr. Nelson has seen the power of the priesthood at work on ..... has added a special dimension to my faith in God, our Creator,” Elder Nelson ...We Are Children of God - Russell M. Nelson - LDS.orgWe Are Children of God - Russell M. Nelson. ... At the crest of the heart is an electrical generator that transmits energy down special lines, causing myriads of ...Integrity of the Heart - Russell M. Nelson - BYU Speeches
Just as small problems can compromise the integrity of the physical heart, seemingly small breaches of honor can compromise personal ...

Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them | Mormon Channel

Elder Russell M. Nelson shares a personal story to give encouragement for when we feel "weak in the heart."

Russell M. Nelson: A Study in Obedience - Ensign Aug. 1982 - ensign

.. Now the dark venous blood entering the heart is intercepted and routed ....

Joy and Spiritual Survival - By President Russell M. Nelson -

He is now doing everything his bishop counsels him to do, striving with all his heart to regain the trust of his dear wife.

Sweet Power of Prayer - Russell M. Nelson -

Mormon taught his son, Moroni, that we should pray “with all the energy of heart.”

Let Your Faith Show - By Elder Russell M. Nelson -

that His eternal truths will be etched on your heart forever.

Thanks Be to God - By Elder Russell M. Nelson -

... before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see ...

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