
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Word of Wisdom Week

In gratitude for our bodies
This great gift we waited for
We celebrate Word of Wisdom week
To strengthen our core once more

We are celebrating the Word of Wisdom at David O. McKay Academy where I work.  How exciting!

My kinder's lines

With a healthy body, I can

Dig deeper
Carry heavy loads
Stand taller
Jump higher
pray with more faith
gain wisdom
work faster
wake early
Make the most of each day
feed my body what it needs
have self-control
resist temptation
Have the Holy Ghost

Corinthians  3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

D&C 89:2. How Does the Word of Wisdom Show the Will of God in Man’s Temporal Salvation?

In order to receive a fulness of joy, we must strive to be clean and pure, both in mind and in body. Some of the temporal benefits resulting from obedience to the Word of Wisdom are better health and vitality, strength, and endurance (see Brigham Young’s promise in Journal of Discourses, 12:156); greater strength to avoid such physical sins as unchastity (see Grant, Gospel Standards, p. 55); a savings in money not spent on harmful substances (see Grant, Gospel Standards, pp. 50–52); and greater resistance to many of the diseases that attack the body.
The Word of Wisdom is spiritual. It is true that it enjoins the use of deleterious substances and makes provision for the health of the body. But the largest measure of good derived from its observance is in increased faith and the development of more spiritual power and wisdom. Likewise, the most regrettable and damaging effects of its infractions are spiritual, also. Injury to the body may be comparatively trivial to the damage to the soul in the destruction of faith and the retardation of spiritual growth. So I say, every commandment involves a spiritual growth. So I say, every commandment involves a spiritual principle.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1949, p. 141.)

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