
Sunday, February 26, 2017

He Completes Me

Justice, love, and mercy meet
Truly at the Master's feet
Serving Him helps me to see
He is what makes life complete

A hint of things yet to come
Where more of us we will become
And to think we are just some
Of those restored by the Son

I heard someone at church say, "I would not be complete without the lord."  He truly puts the finishing touch on our lives with His justice, love, and mercy.. Imagine what that does to families.  We are all a restoration project in the makings.

Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet
"That Atonement would achieve complete victory over physical death, unconditionally granting resurrection to every person who has been born or ever will be born into this world. Mercifully it would also provide forgiveness for the personal sins of all, from Adam to the end of the world, conditioned upon repentance and obedience to divine commandments."
—Jeffrey R. Holland, "Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet"
Topics: Atonement

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