
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Teaching the Savior's Way

Luke 4:15–30, Jesus speaks to those who do not believe He is the Messiah
On day one of in-service where I am going to teach in Henderson, NV, we sat around and discussed what it means to teach the Savior's way.  It was such a beautiful experience, I felt inspired to write a song!  How exciting to think it was inspired by fragments of our testimonies.
Yeah for the church's new manual.

Here at David O McKay
We can learn, the Savior's way
Through the spirit's voice, the light we need is shown
We can practice what we learn
To apply it and discern
We can gain the confidence to stand alone

Hark! Hark! Hear the Spirit whisper
As we cry out much with love
For we open up our minds
To our place in God's designs
Divine nature comes to us from up above

We can be the Savior's hands
And fulfill, through love, His plans
Though we're stretched in service and the days are long
We are Gods in embryo
In our talents, watch us grow
In the face of opposition, we'll be strong

Hark! Hark! Hear the Spirit whisper
As we cry out much with love
For we open up our minds
To our place in God's designs
Divine nature comes to us from up above

We have filled our pockets well
With the spirit watch truth swell
As shared comments help us see with different eyes
We have goals we want to reach
In simplicity, we teach
As we each apply the gospel in our lives

Hark! Hark! Hear the Spirit whisper
As we cry out much with love
For we open up our minds
To our place in God's designs
Divine nature comes to us from up above

We can fan the fire of faith
In these trying times we face
We can rally and unite in courage bold
We can pray and sing a hymn
And invite the spirit in
To refine us as sweet miracles unfold

Hark! Hark! Hear the Spirit whisper
As we cry out much with love
For we open up our minds
To our place in God's designs

Divine nature comes to us from up above

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