
Monday, August 8, 2016

Start Where You Are Weak

Start where you are weak
And work to perfect yourself
To self-correct seek,
Continually, the Lord's help

After pondering this quote, I thought it is perfect that we start where we are weak because then we are made humble to be taught.
""Said the Savior to His disciples, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). This is the commandment which is before us. Regrettably we have not reached perfection. We have a great distance to go. We must cultivate the faith to reform our lives, commencing where we are weak and moving on from there in our work of self-correction, thus gradually and consistently growing in strength to live more nearly as we should.""
—Gordon B. Hinckley, "Words of the Prophet: God Will Make a Way", New Era, January 2002
Topics: FaithEndure to the End

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