
Sunday, June 12, 2016


while most slept a battle to save lives went on

Thoughts of family
And your future goals,
As life's founding,
Fills us when we've holes.

“Another man and I packed his wound to stop the bleeding and we kept him conscious by asking him about his family and what he was going to do in the future. I hope we kept him alive.”

I think it is stories like this that help to get through tragedies.  Remember to point a person to hope in the future and remember loved ones.  Of course, the greatest hope we have is our Savior.  Of course, the greatest love comes from God.  Of course, the greatest need is to exercise our gift of choice, our conscience, and to heed the still small voice...

I was also deeply touched to see the scarred policeman's helmet that saved his life.  It's hard to believe just a little while ago people were down on police.  Look at the tremendous courage they have within them.

Pulse massacre 
Orlando, Florida.

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