
Monday, January 4, 2016

Cover the Year in Prayer

Let us cover this year in prayer!
Through much dignity comes might!
With what we know to be right, share!
For life's sanctity, let's fight!

Dear Friend, 
Thank you for your hard work in 2015. Together, we laid an important foundation upon which we can build this new year – fighting for key issues from dignity for women to the sanctity of human life.

But the Left is still threatening the values we hold d
ear, so there’s no time to rest.

That’s why I ask that you join me in covering this new year in prayer.

Our 2016 Prayer Points provide a good summary of the key issues to pray over … and ask for God’s blessing, wisdom, and favor as we tackle these critical issues.

I know you agree that prayer is such a powerful way to fight for what we know to be right. So thank you for praying. I’m grateful!


Penny Nance

Penny Nance
CEO and President
Concerned Women for America
Pray that we will …

  Be successful in the defunding of Planned Parenthood and, therefore, save the lives of millions of babies in years to come

 Halt the undermining of religious freedom, which is evaporating before our eyes, threatening you and your family’s right to exercise your faith

 Stop the assault on our First Amendment right to free speech on college campuses

 See America regain its moral footing to support Israel and fight the increasing threat from radical Islamists

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