
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Burning the Ano Viejo

Set ablaze the old
And start a new year
Cleanse what's bad, be bold
Cause your heart to cheer

I love how they celebrate the new year in Ecuador.  Believe it or not, they will blow up this bad boy Hulk with fireworks.  Hope the building survived!  I am putting a jar on my kitchen table for adding small slips of paper listing good things that happen this year. Still, you could probably stuff this Hulk with all the bad!

    In Ecuador at the stroke of midnight, people around the country bring effigies of politicians, pop culture figures, and other icons of the year to torch in the streets. This tradition of burning the “año viejo” ("old year") is symbolic of cleansing the bad from the previous 12 months before thenew year commences.Dec 31, 2013

    New Year's Eve - Atlas Obscura

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