
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Landscape of the Mind: Addiction Explained

Addiction's a disease You can ultimately die The pain does naught but increase Here is the explanation why... Think of your brain as a landscape Life and experience have formed its shape There's vast expanses full of bumps and grooves Carved out like the wind and water that moves The brain is a place you can see, visit, and explore Where we can consciously taste, feel, hear and more Walk along the cortex bumps, which are called gyri To the front lobes that rise up from those grooves called sulci Here form our thoughts, life goals, and personality In the bright sunlight of rationality Perhaps the Light of Christ is here in the mind? Here, all are given to know right and wrong ,we find As here is where we weigh out our options And we exercise agency and see cautions This is the part of the brain where we attach Here our bonds keeps us from behaving rash This is where spiritual meaning is found And where decisions of charity abound So when there is an addiction did this area break? Actually, they work deeper down, making it harder to shake The midbrain does not think to ask, "Why?" or "How?" It is primal for survival "in the now" It is also referred to as the natural man Here addictions hijack so pleasure can expand The mid-brain thinks it's needed for survival So, addicts, this is not a good time to be prideful Start the 12 step program, now, right away See your bishop and continually pray Through the atonement recovery is real! Still know this: it takes time for the brain to heal!

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