
Tuesday, September 29, 2015


When our body heals
It can leave a scar.
What's left, one feels
Only healing so far.
In sin our spirits hurt
But, it can all go away
Through the atonement, first
We are made new that day.

Pondering President Packer's talk
Now I am not sure which one...Probably the first one.
 But, isn't it amazing to think that the atonement can completely spiritually heal us!

The Plan of Happiness - Boyd K. Packer

Boyd KPacker teaches about marriage, the power of procreation, ... and exalted physical, emotional, and spiritual feelings associated with the word love. ... bodies, when the repentance process is complete, no scars remain because of the  ..

The Balm of Gilead - Boyd K. Packer

Boyd KPacker. Of the ... That name became symbolic for the power to soothe and heal. ... Even though we have a serious physical ailment, we can be spiritually  ...

Spiritual Crocodiles - Boyd K. Packer

Sister Packer and I were assigned to tour the South Africa Mission with President and .... mauled by these spiritual crocodiles—and see them completely healed.

Balm of Gilead - Boyd K. Packer

Boyd KPacker. Of the ... It became symbolic for the power to soothe and to heal. ...How precious is that spiritual balm of Gilead, for there is a spirit in man.

The Key to Spiritual Protection - Boyd K. Packer

The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection. They contain ... Jesus Christ has prescribed a very clear method for us to repent and find healing in our lives.

Cleansing the Inner Vessel - Boyd K. Packer

The effect of this plague can be, unfortunately often is, spiritually fatal. .... terrible plague, to find the healing that is available to us in the priesthood of the Lord.

The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness - Boyd K. Packer

You may tell yourself that your transgressions are not spiritually illegal. ... upon it, is this: Restoring what you cannot restore, healing the wound you cannot heal,  ...

Counsel to Youth - Boyd K. Packer

Boyd KPacker. President of ... This influence is spiritual, and he “is abroad in the land.” But despite .... But repentance can heal what hurts, no matter what it is.

The Mediator - Boyd K. Packer

If you miss that lesson you may have to make it up before you are spiritually .... of us individually may be extended the redeeming and healing blessing of mercy.

Solving Emotional Problems in the Lord's Own Way - Boyd K ...

Boyd KPacker .... If we lose our emotional and spiritual independence, our self-reliance, we can be weakened quite as much, perhaps even more, than when ... You have a power to soothe and to sanctify and to heal that others are not given.

Washed Clean - Boyd K. Packer

Boyd KPacker ... I reasoned that to be spiritually unclean would bring shame and humiliation immeasurably more intense than I felt .... Not just heal up the few.


Love can go on through eternity
That is how the family is meant to be
The husband and the wife and the children they create
On to a posterity, love blooms ever great!

I am treasuring President Packer's talk every day until Conference.

Why Marriage and Family Matter—Everywhere in the World ...

Family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness. ... me to see how marriage and family-centered priorities cut across and superseded any political,  ...

Monday, September 28, 2015

This is Why You Should Actually Be Nice to Mormon Missionaries - World Religion News

This is Why You Should Actually Be Nice to Mormon Missionaries - World Religion News

Try to be nice

To those two

They sacrifice

To serve you!

Just a reminder of the sacrifices missionaries make:

They leave home in their prime

delay jobs, school, dates;

while paying for the mission besides.

And, they only get to phone home twice a year!

Tune In

Tune into what you want
Let go of all the rest
Set your brain on the hunt
For what stirs in your breast
As far as I can see
I want to have it all.
My own prosperity
in answer to my call.

Study Aid for Super Learning and Memory ☯ Alfa Waves ☯ SUPER INTELLIGENCE

Brain waves flowing in your mind

Show your mental state defined

They can rev up and zip along

Or slow down to deep sleep and calm

I combined the information (to my best ability) from several sites.  It is so interesting.

Associated Mental State
the will
extreme focus, energy
27 Hz and up

spiritual state
universal love, altruism, and the ‘higher virtues’, the  expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence.
Gamma is associated with the formation of ideas, language and memory processing, and various types of learning. 2 3 4 Gamma waves have been shown to disappear during deep sleep induced by anesthesia/ but return with the transition back to a wakeful state.5 6
12hz - 27hz

emotional/behavioral state (anger, hunger) 
a ‘fast’ activity, present when we are alert, attentive, engaged in problem-solving, judgment, decision making, and engaged in a focused mental activity. Beta brainwaves are further divided into three bands; Low: 'fast idle, or musing.  Hi-Beta  is highly complex thought, integrating new experiences, high anxiety, or excitement. Continual high-frequency processing is not a very efficient way to run the brain, as it takes a tremendous amount of energy. 
Wide awake. This is generally the mental state most people are in during the day and most of their waking lives. Usually, this state in itself is uneventful, but don't underestimate its importance. Many people lack sufficient beta activity, which can cause mental or emotional disorders such as depression and ADD.7 8 and insomnia. And low SMR production (a sub-range of beta at 12-15hz) may be related to insomnia.9 Stimulating beta activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and concentration.10 11 12
integrate feelings
awareness of body
8hz - 12hz

spiritual state (kind, positive, serene)
 quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present, a resting state for the brain, mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning.
Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you get up in the morning and just before sleep, you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes your brain automatically starts producing more alpha waves.

Many studies monitoring the EEG activity of experienced meditators have revealed strong increases in alpha activity.13 Alpha activity has also been connected to the ability to recall memories, lessened discomfort and pain, and reductions in stress and anxiety.14 15 16 17
3hz - 8hzstate between wake and sleep:  vivid imagery, intuition and unconscious thoughts/ fears, worries, troubling "history".
Light sleep or extreme relaxation.

Theta is also a very receptive mental state that has proven useful for hypnotherapy, as well as self-hypnosis using recorded affirmations and suggestions.18 19
0.2hz - 3hz- deep/loudempathy, healing, and regenerationDeep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your dominant brainwave is delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks.20 You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious.


Made clear, each riveting message
Can be internalized to apply
Each step can be made to progress
For it's explained, the "how" and "why"

riv·et·ing (adj)
  1. completely engrossing; compelling.

The next General Conference is coming!  

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Taste of Its Fruit!

It takes a leap of faith
To recognize the truth
It's shown before your face
When you taste of its fruit!

Venting Against the Church?

I hear you loud and clear 
as you vent forth in pain! 
The gospel spreads good cheer 
and love simple and plain.

Remembering Elder Richard G Scott

He was loving and inclusive

His eyes spoke right into the heart

From experience, he did give to do your part

Focus On the Gospel

Focus on the gospel 
For therein comes His peace.  
Through Him all things are possible,
sharing His love, does please..

Responding With Love

I respond with love and you answer me with hate. 
I pray to God above we can better communicate.
 Life is too short to fight.  Jesus would not approve.  
Go forth. Spread His light as His spirit would have you move.

Show the Beauty of Your Soul

Show the beauty of your soul,
Share forth a valiant heart.
Know who you are. What's your role?
Join a cause. Do your part!

Have the humility
To fall upon your knees
True capability
Does come through faithful pleas.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Learn From Each other

Learn from each other
And forget yourself
Love one another
Be a source of help

The Master Teacher

Jesus taught through parables
To connect principles unto life
He understands our troubles
And reaches the heart and mind with light

I have been trying to teach behavior with stories this school year.  Children respond to stories and they teach without giving negative attention to the misbehaving scholar.
President Uchtdorf, in the 2015 Women's Conference, took it one step further and spoke how they help us embrace truth with our heart and mind so we can connect to the principles.


Jesus is forgiving, 
loving, and giving. 
 He knows just what is best.  
Turn to Him and find rest!

Happiness Is A Choice

Happiness is a choice.
It is time to rejoice,
To find life's beauty here,
And to sense our Father near!

"God didn’t design us to be sad. He created us to have joy!"‪#‎PresUchtdorf‬ ‪#‎LDSconf‬

Berlin Eye Contact with Strangers Experiment

Open up the windows of Heaven. 

Live for eye contact today.  

God's spirit will freely be given. 

Feel alive! Don't look away!

Waiting on the Road to Damascus - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
I testify to you that our Father in Heaven loves His children. ... refine our spirits, remove the scales from our spiritual eyes, and open the windows of heaven.

Stand Firm

Stand firm
Even if you're all alone
By the spirit you are known

You can do it alone, if you have to!
When President Henry B. Eyring was a teenager, his family moved to a new city. He initially found the move unpleasant and made few friends. He felt like he didn’t fit in with the students in his high school. The whirlwinds were swirling. What did he do? He threw his energy into the Book of Mormon, reading it many times.17 Years later, President Eyring testified: “I [love to] go back to the Book of Mormon and drink deeply and often.”18 “[It] is the most powerful written testimony we have that Jesus is the Christ.”19

The Treasure of Heaven

The treasure of Heaven
Is the family
Mansions will be given
For homes, happily

Who will the mansions in Heaven be for?  the family- We are a part of God's family. His plan of eternal happiness is intended for families. The mansions will not consist of harems given to attend to one's every need. It will be a home of honor and love.

The Strength of Repentance

Don't let sin drag you down
And cause you to lay low
Let repentance be found
Therein is strength to know

The Constitution is a Gift

We have been given all that we need
so that in freedom we might grow.
The Constitution's a gift indeed
that the blessing of God all might know.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Settle Down

There is power in each thought.
When you would to blow your top
Settle down to your heart
And open up to be taught.


When you close your eyes in prayer
Picture in you mind
Heavenly Father smiling there
Pure love's there to find

A twinkling eye
A knowing nod
Take evey chance
To commune with God!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Terrible Winds of Sin

Terrible winds of sin within your heart
Cause the spirit then to depart
Satan will blow, push, grab, and swirl to seek
That you break apart where you are weak


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Winning the Game of Weight Loss v4

The brain is pre-wired For weight lost to come back You must stay inspired How you behave- keep track! The brain and psychology Both play a part As well as biology From the very start As the brain conserves and there's hunger pains Phase through the metabolic slowdown stage. Tell your anti-starvation regulator it is known Use imagery to adjust your comfort zone Before your will power "muscle is tired" or stress is getting the best of you Upgrade habits to stay inspired And aim for a new self image too Let your negative thoughts Mindfully pass by From the threatening clouds Look to the bright sky Reset and re-calibrate your unconscious mind To patiently anticipate Your new size to find In some small way It will help If everyday You love yourself Each negative thought You have to believe Must be sought and fought So you can achieve Think of the energy The lighter step The methodology/ Must be pre set Failure and doubt Will only worsen Weight holds you back It is a burden It is energy So release it! Burn each calorie And become fit. Change is scary Let everyone know What you carry Can no longer grow This is life or death Commit today To improve your life Record each day Give yourself permission To move ahead Let it be your mission Inwardly led

Self love will help you lose weight
and achieve what you really want
Thoughts are real things. Make them great.
As for clear vision you daily hunt

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Liberty Tree

At the roots of this land
Juts forth a full tree
That's glorious and grand
In true liberty

Each branch spreads both high and wide
Offering much fruit thereof
Fully of the purest white
Nourishing with God's love

The Constitution, this tree
Was inspired for a purpose grand
Through our conscience, we are free
To build character that blesses man

The Tree of Liberty must be nourished with our attention to what constitutes the Constitution. This has to do with Conscience and Character, and must—in the home, church, and school—restore Christian conscience and Christian character as the keystone to the foundation of liberty and freedom.

Rosalie J. Slater, Co-Founder of The Foundation for American Christian Education

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Look for that humble check
The opening of the heart
The break in the stiff neck
The willingness to restart

pen·i·tent (n)
  1. 1.
    feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.
    "a penitent expression"
 Have you ever had a stubborn child who refused to cry or change?  Eventually tears will come, right?

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Musical Genius

The brain does not waste neurons
They are way too precious to lose
Our senses and how we feel
Are great resources we should use

Fear is Love Turned Upside Down

Fear is love
Turned upside down
Just look up
There love is found!

Also I think faith could be substituted with love.
This reminds me of the primary song:  If you chance to me a frown, do not let it stay. Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away.

"All thought or form is neutral - neither positive nor negative - in its pure form. All feeling has either a positive (Love-based) or negative (fear-based) charge or vibration. There is no such thing as a "neutral" feeling. If you are "feeling" neutral, it means there is an absence of emotion, or substance, to your thought."

'No More Caveman!' Homeless Piano Prodigy Stunned by His Remarkable Make...

Though life is a challenge
Everyone has a purpose
Through a unique talent
We each can be of service

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Landscape of the Mind: Addiction Explained

Addiction's a disease You can ultimately die The pain does naught but increase Here is the explanation why... Think of your brain as a landscape Life and experience have formed its shape There's vast expanses full of bumps and grooves Carved out like the wind and water that moves The brain is a place you can see, visit, and explore Where we can consciously taste, feel, hear and more Walk along the cortex bumps, which are called gyri To the front lobes that rise up from those grooves called sulci Here form our thoughts, life goals, and personality In the bright sunlight of rationality Perhaps the Light of Christ is here in the mind? Here, all are given to know right and wrong ,we find As here is where we weigh out our options And we exercise agency and see cautions This is the part of the brain where we attach Here our bonds keeps us from behaving rash This is where spiritual meaning is found And where decisions of charity abound So when there is an addiction did this area break? Actually, they work deeper down, making it harder to shake The midbrain does not think to ask, "Why?" or "How?" It is primal for survival "in the now" It is also referred to as the natural man Here addictions hijack so pleasure can expand The mid-brain thinks it's needed for survival So, addicts, this is not a good time to be prideful Start the 12 step program, now, right away See your bishop and continually pray Through the atonement recovery is real! Still know this: it takes time for the brain to heal!

12 Steps to Change - Series Trailer

Start to let the poison drain.
Pour it out and admit
You've laid a long trail of pain
Living as an addict.

#addictionrecovery  #12step

Saturday, September 12, 2015

How Will You Know?

How will you know
When you've achieved success?
Where will you grow?
There's benchmarks to address!

Be specific with each goal
So you'll know what to do
You'll accelerate fourfold
As you're persistent, too!

Set Your Intention

Set your intention
By writing it down
Through introspection
Energy is found

in·tro·spec·tion (n)
  1. the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.
    "quiet introspection can be extremely valuable"
    synonyms:self-analysisself-examinationsoul-searching, introversion, self-observation; 

You Have It All

You've all the potential
That you need to become
Your own exponential
Through the light of the Son


Bring to the forefront
The potential within
Where you're weak confront
Decide where to begin

Alleviate Eliminate Concentrate

How do you alleviate your worries and fears
How eliminate doubts and procrastination?
Achieving better behavioral control nears
Through optimism in your ultimate destination

Conflicts can be resolved and tension decreased
As you concentrate mindfully
Productivity soon will be increased
As you visualize more fully

If you know who you are 
and where, ultimately, you are going
Your faith will take you far
And your confidence will be glowing

Keep you focus on today, right now, and the future
Learn to listen well and communicate
The past contains many examples that can tutor
So give it your all as upon the Lord you wait

Think of Moses, Joshua, and Esther
Before them were multitudes in need
How did they gain the faith to endeavor?
They sought out the Lord for strength to lead!

John Assaraf Having It All

Get clear on what you want
Write it down for your brain
Then for this it will hunt
What success you will gain!

The power of daydreaming - Mark Waldman - The Inspiration Show

Take one minute per hour
To re-nurture your brain
Yawn slowly re-empower
That momentum you gain

The power of daydreaming - Mark Waldman - The Inspiration Show

Twelve minutes a day
Is all that you need
To meditate and pray
And let your faith lead

How to Release Your Negative Thoughts

Affirmatively breathe deeply
And give heed to the power of what you think
Hold to the thoughts that are worth keeping
Then, dive back into life where you won't sink

How Positive & Negative & Thoughts Influence Your Financial Results Mark...

Be mindfully aware

Of what's positively real

Choose your thoughts with care

Let the peace of Christ heal

How Positive & Negative & Thoughts Influence Your Financial Results Mark...

Be mindfully aware
Of what's positively real
Choose your thoughts with care
Let the peace of Christ heal

We Awoke That Day

We awoke that day
Unto who we are
Americans pray!
We've each a big heart!

911 woke us up! We are a nation under God.

The Correctness of Speaking Up

Political correctness
We cannot allow
Or complacency
So evident now
It is time to speak up
And these things confront
We must each say, "Enough!"
Lets form an united front!

The Healer of Spiritual Wounds

Do not reopen a wound
Jesus, Himself, died to heal
Through repentance life can resume
Renewed unto hope to feel

This is evident in the temple
Where blessings are restored
To assume anew, the temporal
All because of the Lord

rhymezone definition: resume

  • verb:   assume anew
    Example: "Resume a title"
  • verb:   take up or begin anew
    Example: "We resumed the negotiations"
  • verb:   return to a previous location or condition

John Assaraf Having It All

You're never to old
To act right now!
To let unfold
Your life's "how"

Make an agreement
With yourself
One that is meant
To really help

Friday, September 11, 2015

John Assaraf Having It All

A higher power connects us all

There are natural laws in place

Realize you've an individual call

That's waiting for you to embrace

John Assaraf Having It All

Believe your life can turn around
There's an inner power to be found
Let passion stir within your soul
And lift you to achieve that goal

How Your Explicit and Implicit Beliefs Are Sabotaging Your Success

Visualize and rehearse
The life you really want
Prime your brain with goals first
Then for habits daily hunt

Self Master

May 11 
I love this thought!“I want to be a positive male influence in their lives. We’re big on building foundations. I tell them: ‘There’s not going to be a switch that flips once you become an adult, and suddenly you start acting right. Every decision you make matters. Because once you’re older, you’re going to revert back to the same behavior you have right now. If you have a foundation of rudeness, dishonesty, and not caring, that’s what you’ll fall back on when you’re faced with a challenge. So we need to build a foundation of character.”

The things you do
Truly matter
So don't be rude
Yes, self master

Choose well your conduct
Of how you react
Let Christ's light instruct
Goodness you'll attract