
Saturday, August 29, 2015

I Am Still a Kid at Heart!

Cattails covered in snow surround a frozen pond, with the sun setting in the background.

I am still a kid at heart
Finding joy in what's around
Daily miracles impart
As you've eyes to see, they're found

I have been to the park in every morning for two weeks.  They had a pump running this morning and were feeding water into a ditch under the railroad tracks.  I had never ventured out there!  There were cat tails!  I have been wanting to show these to my kindergarten class each year as I teach about seeds.  I never would have thought they could be found in the desert!  For the past years my parent's creek has be dry year round and there have not been any!  I love it!  Now the kids can marvel at the blow out of cat tails spreading their fluffy seeds to the breeze.

This picture caught my attention at It seems equally unlikely to see them in a frozen creek as in a desert aquifer.

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