
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Heavenly Potential

I'm preparing for the coming of Christ
I'm living the way I know to be right
My race, my family is a gift from Him
As that is the government of Heaven

We once lived with God our Father
There as spirits we could go no farther
We longed to have a body like Him
Life on Earth was sacredly given

What can I give Him back in return
But obedience here as I learn
His plan of happiness is full of light
Through the atonement, Christ leads us aright

He alone knows what I'm capable of
And offers the way on a path of love
He lights my conscience and fills my mind
With purpose and insight, as I seek I find

I've a place, a family, I've gender too
I'm a daughter of Heaven with much to do
My role is to nurture. There is much need!
I've hope for the future and I let Christ lead!

What have you sought and found to be true?
I hope that you know God can speak to you!
In you there is greatness. I hope you know!
We've Heavenly potential. How we must grow!

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