
Thursday, July 9, 2015

You Have a Name and a Place

You have a name and a place
in the church of truth and light.
You have covenants you embrace.
Thank-you for choosing the right!

Here is amazing insight on the LGBT issues and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

To straight Latter-day Saints who, though with good intentions, choose to publicly support gay marriage:
While I never thought I’d speak about this in such a public forum, there are far too many faithful LGBT members in the Church who, for various reasons, remain quiet on this subject. If I may be so presumptuous as to speak for a significant but generally silent segment of this population, I’d like to express some of our pains regarding some LDS church members’ support of gay marriage. You mean well, and do your best to show love to LGBT individuals, but for many of us it can seem like you’ve ignored your LGBT brothers and sisters within the Church who are striving to follow the doctrinal teachings of the Church, in exclusive favor of supporting those within and without who pursue same-sex relationships.
It hurts...

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