
Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Last Time The Liberty Bell Rang a Parallel to Mormon History

Replica in Utah's state capitol

It was in London, England
the Liberty Bell was cast.
To commemorate freedoms
that had been chartered to last.

The colonies had been given
the rights of choice for church;
and the making of laws even
though the British were in charge.

"Proclaim Liberty," its inscription said...(1)
In Pennsylvania's State House it was hung;
Where the Declaration of Independence soon was read.
On this day, how this bell of freedom had rung!

Years passed and the bell traveled much;
as a powerful symbol of a free land.
It was tangible, something to touch
to remember God's providential hand!

The last time America's bell was heard
was in February of eighteen forty-six.
In celebration of Washington's birth. 
Now, the way the bell cracked, it has not been rung since!

Could it be that the inscription,
the passage from Leviticus,
could also be the description
of the Mormons forced exodus?

For persecution became great.
Then, their liberty was taken away!
The hateful mobs would not wait
from America, they drove out the Saints!

These mobs desecrated the temple
They rang its bell in mockery as well
They said, "God damn you!" to God's people.
Could this explain the cracked Liberty Bell?

(1)It also features an inscription that conveys a message of liberty: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” This is a passage from Leviticus in the Bible. 
  • Leviticus 25:10

    And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

In January 1846 the council ordered that a detachment should set forth at once, and that the remainder of the saints should follow as soon as possible. "Beloved brethren," said their leader, "it now remains to be proven whether those of our family and friends who are necessarily left behind for a season, to obtain an outfit through the sale of property, shall be mobbed, burned, and driven away by force. Does any American want the honor of doing it? or will any Americans suffer such acts to be done, and the disgrace of them to remain on their character, under existing circumstances. If they will, let the world know it."
The world was soon to know it. Driven almost at the point of the sword, a large number of the saints, soon afterward followed by the president, the twelve, the high council, and other companies, gathered on the eastern bank of the Mississippi early in February.

230:30 'The mob entered the temple, instituted an inquisition, and regardless of the Mormons or new citizens, went from house to house plundering cow-yards, pig-pens, hen-roosts, and bee-stands indiscriminately; thus turning some of their best friends into enemies, bursting open trunks and cheats, searching for arms, keys, etc.' p. 343. 'In the temple ringing the bells, shouting, and p. 231 hallooing; they took several to the river and baptized them, swearing, throwing them backward, then on to their faces, saying: "The commandments must be fulfilled, and God damn you."'. Hist. B. Young, MS., 345.

I traveled with a group to attend a conference for school at American Heritage Academy in Utah. One of our new teachers has made it a hobby to find parallels in history with church events.  This is the one that stuck with me.  hmmm Does anyone know why the bell hangs from a yoke?

Nauvoo temple bell now in Temple Square, Salt Lake City Utah

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