
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fresno Fire Department Captain Pete Dern Conquers the Pain to Heal From Each Burn

I've come home and become a part again of what makes Fresno great.
The heart of California, is caring, generous, and first rate!

The fire captain, "on top of things"
Walked onto the roof that day
You never know what each fire brings
The flames were not kept at bay
The fire swallowed him whole, it seemed
As he suddenly disappeared
It was a nightmare- the worst dreamed
Death was certain, everyone feared
An heroic effort was made
To rescue "one of their own"
They cut through to where he laid
It was the worst two minutes known
He had been engulfed and nearly consumed
When they carried his body out
70% burned, DEATH was presumed
But, this was NO time for doubt
Still... searing pain has been the only way back
As this man works to rise up and walk again
He gives thanks for each series of healing skin grafts
And the support of loved ones and friends

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