
Friday, July 31, 2015

The American Founding: Revolutionary or Conservative

For the happiness of our being

And the wellness of this land

We must come to an understanding

Of how this nation became grand

The American Founding: Revolutionary or Conservative

The benefits of this land

Are civil and religious freedom

For the two went hand in hand

To foster a people in wisdom

fos·ter (v)
  1. 1.
    encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good).
    "the teacher's task is to foster learning"
  2. 2.
    bring up (a child that is not one's own by birth).
    synonyms:bring up, rearraise, care for, take care of, look after, nurture, provide for; More

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Is Jesus Important in My Life?

woman with Jesus Christ
Jesus is so important in my life;
As He is my breath, my courage, and my light.
When I am anxious or weak, I can breathe again!
When I'm in a dark place, He is my one true friend!
Michael R. Morris 
Ensign January 2015

 "Sooner or later, all of us will need the Savior. We all make mistakes we cannot fix, experience losses we cannot recover, and face pains, persecution, tragedies, burdens, and disappointments we cannot handle alone."
"Jesus is important to us because through His Atonement, teachings, hope, peace, and example, He helps us change our lives, face our trials, and move forward with faith as we journey back to Him and His Father."
"When we understand that the Savior makes possible repentance and resurrection, teaches vital truths, offers hope and peace, and sets the perfect example, He becomes the center of our lives. And with Him as our friend, we have the courage to cast out fear and move forward with faith. "

Humanitarian Back to School Clothing Donation

With a closet
filled up tight
How I profit!
I'm blessed, right?

I held each
Some must go
To up-reach
Give and grow

I debated with outreach and upreach.  I like the idea of up.  We are giving gently used clothing for a Back to School humanitarian project.  There will be 600- 700 people lining up to shop from our stake's donations!

upreach - definition and meaning - Wordnik

Matthew 25:40
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. ... have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. ..

One of my favorite movies is Walk Across Egypt.  There is still time left this summer vacation for a good Christian family movie! The woman in the story took Matthew to heart and sought out to serve on of the least of these. 
Walking Across Egypt.jpg

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  I woke up early and saw the sun rise on my first morning walk in a long time

I got out my laptop and put on BYU's The American Ride.  I started by clearing the floor and shelves of my closet. With all that out, I took each skirt and gave it a top, some a jacket as well. I got rid of the skirts that don't allow me to sit crossed-leg style.  (I'm a Kindergarten teacher.) I put an old sweater in each car.  I live in Henderson, Nevada and for some reason when we go out I feel chilled in the 72 degrees a lot of places keep. At home we are set at 79.  I can't justify spending any more than that on air conditioning. 

At this point, my whole bedroom is a mess!  I think I should have started with the bed made.  Here is my final result.  A clean closet where I can see the floor!

I gave away a lot.  I feel like I still have sooooo much.  But what really matters? It was hard to give up some.  I hugged a now tight white sweat with pearl trim that I have worn to special events and thought, "You've served your purpose and can now go on to bless someone else."

Now that my closet is organized, I am going to dress with a little more care.  I am a tomboy at heart.

Last minute donations meant I got to drive across town and see the event in person.  A lot of people worked hard to set it up. That is a lot of clothes!

Monday, July 27, 2015

"I Am Here For You!"

Is God there?  Is the gospel true?
My prayers went unanswered...
Then I heard, "I Am Here For You!"
His voice within whispered.

In truth the voice said, "Spencer, I am here for you!" I think the missionaries going out are more prepared than ever!


Don't just do what's expected
Gain a vision of your call
Through the spirit detected
Comes a strength to give your all

de·tect (v)
past tense: detected; past participle: detected
  1. discover or identify the presence or existence of.
    "cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages"

Two By Two

Today, the missionaries go two by two
In all the world to preach
Sharing the gospel.  That's what they do
And how they love to teach!

 I saw our missionary waiting ever hopeful for his investigator to come to church.  We share with another ward, so they get assigned to be with someone so we have a missionary each Sunday.

Light the Spark

Don't fall short
You'll miss the mark
Serve the Lord
And light that spark

Spark - definition of spark by The Free Dictionary

c. One remaining in an otherwise extinguished fire; an ember. 2. A glistening particle, as of metal. 3. a. A flash of light, especially a flash produced by electric  ..

No Labeling!

By the Lord alone
Are you truly known
Do not label you
The Lord is not through


We can all get along
Through civil dialogue.
The long path we each walk
Helps us learn.  Let us talk.


Jesus felt pain in our behalf
He knows the trials that we have
Render unto Him. Give your all
Your heart, mind, and might. It's your call

rend·er (v)
  1. 1.
    provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
  2. 2.
    cause to be or become; make.
    synonyms:make, cause to be/become, leave

Course Correction

The world is heading the wrong direction
When there is anger, outrage, and fear
Living God's laws makes the correction
For we return to where He is near

Freedom of Religion and Speech

It is always okay
To open your mouth and share
How you are blessed this day
Through Heavenly Father's care

He Can Reach the One You Teach

Each person you teach
Our Father can reach
Have faith and preach on
Your message is strong

You never know who is being prepared for the gospel.  Heavenly Father is capable of reaching all His children when the time is right.


It is such a shock to see
People deep in poverty
It seems to come to a land
Where corruption is at hand

Thinking of this modern world we live in and how corruption, sin, addictions, greed, and the destruction of family can break a great land. Imagine politicians, leaders, militia and police accepting bribes and mafia style rule.  That is why families need to strong. I think one of the things hurting Mexico is the generations of workers who have come to the states.  That is hard on a family.  Especially when there are gangs.

Left Overs

Matthew 14:13–21, The bread and fish that fed 5,000 people
When Jesus fed five thousand
There was left overs to spare
For an abundance is found
When we look unto God's care

Every Day Missionary

Missionary work does not end
The field is full and wide
Open up and be a friend
You will be magnified

Find someone not set in stone
Who is in search of light?
Share that we are not alone
The Lord is within sight!

Every member a missionary
The best way to prepare for a mission is to start being a missionary.

The Missionary Invite

Two missionaries read scriptures to a woman who has a child in her lap and another child standing next to her.

The Elders hold the power
To invite the spirit in
To homes that blessings shower
And a change is felt within!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Sabbath Day Like None Other

The Sabbath Day 
Is like none other
It is the Way
Unto our Brother

Here we are blessed
To strive again
In peace and rest
Through Christ, Our Friend

The Sunday Night Blues Are Real -- Here's How To Beat Them 13, 2013 - Identify the times you tend to feel anxious 

as the weekend wears on (Sunday Night Blues can be a misnomer -- sometimes it starts Sunday  ...

7 Things to Stop Sunday Night Anxiety/Depression | The ...
Still Moment B&W It's Sunday afternoon and suddenly you feel a pang of anxiety. The relaxation and enjoyment of the weekend seem to come to a halt.

This Is Why You Feel So Sad on Sunday - Real Simple

Sunday nights aren't considered the end of a great weekend but the .... 
favorite episodes and watch them on a night less fraught with anxiety—say, hump day.

How to Overcome the Sunday Night Blues - wikiHow

How to Overcome the Sunday Night Blues. 

If you often feel anxious, sad, or depressed on Sundays,

you may suffer from the Sunday night blues. The Sunday ...

Dealing with the Sunday Night Blues | Psychology Today

Nov 30, 2014 - So here it is Sunday night, and instead of being able to relax 
and ... On Sunday, he's as anxious as the rest of us, worrying about who he needs  ..
I grew up without church. Sundays were my favorite, until bedtime came, this is.  As a family, we had a leisurely home-cooked dinner followed by dessert.  We would then watch the Wonderful World of Disney. After this it was always the same.  Anxiety and inability to sleep.  I would toss and turn all night thinking about school and perhaps homework I didn't do. After I joined the church this went away.  I kept the Sabbath and was rested. If there was more school work to do, i would get up extra early and would get it done with a fresh mind.  I wonder if anyone else has a similar story?  It is nice to completely separate from homework and enjoy the Lord's day as it was designed for us to rest.

It's good to be different. 

Five ways to make the sabbath day like none other.


Me Too!

Multicolored gravel strewn over a dirt road in the daytime.
Having had a crumby life
Feeling like cut off crust
Looking forward to the day
I crumble into dust
Until, a still and quiet voice
Whispers soft to me
Lift your eyes with opened heart
Consider what might be
And then I saw with clearer eyes
The hosts of heaven sing
With one accord and joyous heart
In praises to their King
Quite suddenly I understood
And finally I knew
The tenderness and love of God
Extended to me too!

by Rick Miller

It Is Ready for Repair

They raise up a standard for us to uphold
More and more it is fading, shredded and old
We need the wise and honest to repair
Our constitution, a blessing through God's care

Washington said, just before the signing of the constitution,
"Let us raise a standard that the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the Hand of God."

Bustle Attraction

There is a reason
Bottom and blossom rhyme
In their own season
To attract, by design

Just random thinking as my bottom seems to be blossoming this summer and attracting a larger size of pants.

The bustle- Do you think it will come back in style?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Receive and Drink It In

What do you let sink
Deep into your heart?
Of God's word drink
Let His love impart


560-Pound Man Biking Across US To Lose Weight « CBS Connecticut

560-Pound Man Biking Across US To Lose Weight « CBS Connecticut

Nothing else matters

When love is at stake

Every hope shatters

Incomplete, you ache!

Light the course to take

On it lose yourself

Christ will help you shake

The old to a new self!

See yourself lost in service
Lose yourself in this purpose
Seek a light that's bright to shine
Tender mercy is a sign

When you are given a goal that consumes you
and trials and aid comes along.
Know that God is with you to see you through
and will help you to be strong.

I was touched by two things in this story.  The man is working to save his life and marriage.  Others (complete strangers) are cheering for him and helping him along..

Thursday, July 23, 2015


When this earth tent we live in
Is finally put down to rest
Our spirit goes to Heaven
To reconcile in Christ, Who'll bless

2 Cor 5

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Reach for the next street
Instead of a treat.
Walk around the block.
Use your lips to talk.
That energy, stored
Can get you to a store.
For that smaller size,
It's sweet to move those thighs!

Random thoughts while laying on the couch like a potato.

The Rage to Live

Deep  inside I seethed
With a continual inner rage
As in pain I wreathed
In my ICU prison cage
I was stuck, flat on my back
Wires and tubes were everywhere
New skin tore with each sponge bath
I screamed and rejected care
I was rude to those I love
Inside, I had shut them out
Then, a friend who'd had enough
Changed what I thought about
I accepted I was depressed
I recalled loved ones I had helped
And the joy they'd expressed
I started to not think of myself
When a visitor dropped by
And asked, "Can I get you anything?"
I made something up, to try...
And contagious joy they did bring!
On an angel's mission they nearly ran
As though it would quickly make me whole
I felt the spirit breathe life in me and
I started to want to live- heart and soul!
I am reading 90 Minutes in Heaven about the Pastor who had a near death experience. He went through an horrific recovery process and had to learn to appreciate being on the receiving end, being patient, and enduring to the end when he knew the bliss of Heaven and wanted to go back.


Oh the  needless worry
The pain that we must bear
All because we hurry
And forget to pause in prayer

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fresno Fire Department Captain Pete Dern Conquers the Pain to Heal From Each Burn

I've come home and become a part again of what makes Fresno great.
The heart of California, is caring, generous, and first rate!

The fire captain, "on top of things"
Walked onto the roof that day
You never know what each fire brings
The flames were not kept at bay
The fire swallowed him whole, it seemed
As he suddenly disappeared
It was a nightmare- the worst dreamed
Death was certain, everyone feared
An heroic effort was made
To rescue "one of their own"
They cut through to where he laid
It was the worst two minutes known
He had been engulfed and nearly consumed
When they carried his body out
70% burned, DEATH was presumed
But, this was NO time for doubt
Still... searing pain has been the only way back
As this man works to rise up and walk again
He gives thanks for each series of healing skin grafts
And the support of loved ones and friends

The Battle

The gospel is all about
The battle of truth and error.
There is no middle ground.
There is either light or terror.
"The gospel of Jesus Christ and the covenants we have made inevitably cast us as combatants in the eternal contest between truth and error. There is no middle ground in that contest."