
Monday, June 29, 2015

Operation Rand Paul

We need a surgeon
Who will operate
It has grown urgent
This land cannot wait!

The diagnosis has been made
The problems are extensive
The tools have been displayed won't be expensive!

With the Constitution in one hand
And the Bill of Rights in the other
He will restore liberty to this land
And the freedoms for which we hunger.


Some of the things introduced about Rand Paul ( He was here tonight in Las Vegas) 
He has energy, ideas ( he is proud of being different), likes to build forts and make bonfires.  He has been a soccer and little league coach.  He has restored sight to hundreds in Guatemala.  Imagine a couple who have been unable to look at each other for 7 years!  They were both able to take the bandages off and look at each other! I hope he opens eyes to see here in America as well!

The discussion:
corruption that has gone on unchecked
votes are being traded like baseball cards
words are the currency of politicians while actions are the currency of leaders- elect leadership
this republic is not for sale and is not afraid to take on the status quo
regulations/laws/taxes are impediments to motion and stunt growth: companies are moving out of US
the right of personal liberty should unite this country
scrap the revenue neutral tax reform
the burden of government - starve the "beast"!
we are a nation of humanitarians like no other
"beat" the engine of socialism
the 9th amendment comes naturally, he believes from God (yeah!)
no one should be detained- who decides who is dangerous?
individualize instead of generalize 
Republicans are the champions for justice 
immancipation, civil rights, bill of rights 
Rand Paul believes in the 5th and 6th Fifth Amendment - Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private property.Sixth Amendment - Trial by jury and other rights of the accused.
American support and funds should not go to countries or groups that burn out flag.
our number one threat is our debt!
should we borrow to build our defense?
our debt is growing $1million a minute!

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