
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Liberty Lovers Unite

Liberty lovers unite.

We must speak up for each right.

The constitution must stand,

As God placed it on this land.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The past week has been a tremendous success for Senator Paul, our campaign, and liberty-lovers across the country. Americans from all walks of life stood with Rand as he led the charge to end the NSA's illegal bulk data collection program by changing their profile pictures on social media, submitting their selfies, and sharing their support on our website. His stand against President Obama's illegal spying program led to a lapse of the worst provisions of the PATRIOT Act and led the way to much needed reform.

According to the results of a new national Washington Post/ABC News Poll, Senator Paul is tied for first place in the Republican field for President and in a prime-position to challenge Hillary Clinton in the General Election. It is clear that our pro-Constitution message is resonating with conservatives across the country. More information and news can be found below. I hope you enjoy our first Rand Paul for President Weekly Newsletter.

Chip Englander
Campaign Manager
Rand Paul for President


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