
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Consent Lessons from Mr. Beckwith

I just sat down and wrote most of this (for nearly ten hours).  What a sweet experience. Pondering American Heritage training in American Fork, Utah. 

Inner Vessel

Prepare your inner vessel
To receive what you'll become
Rejoice for it is special
And it is your only one

Come and Build Consent

Feed your opportunities
Starve that "old" problem
Focus on the good things
Set goals upon them

Praise consent promoters
For the scholarship they embrace
Challenge the inhibitors
Prove that your classroom's a safe place

When teaching it is good to give your energy and praise to the scholars demonstrating good character, attentiveness, and who have given consent to be taught. Let the inhibitors know "we don't do that anymore".

Relate and Record

Life's lessons grow
When you deeply reflect
On all that you know
And write down to connect

1. Humility

Of all the doors you walk through
That lead to growth and success
Let one be opened for you
It's the humility you possess

2. Preserve the Union

Come to a common ground
To discover what is right
Let civility abound
In a union warmed in light

3. Illumination

Believe in the spirit
That illuminates souls
Each will come to hear it
To the seeker it shows

4. Grace is Sufficient

That very thing
You judge as weak
Becomes a strength
To those who're meek

5. A Sweet Place Named Charity

Charity is placed
In a humble heart;
When service is embraced
As our better part.

6. Body Language

Body language is noticed
It expresses how you feel
Be aware of your being
Become authentically real

7. The Balancing Act

Don't inhale too deeply
Of another's spat
Balance words for keeping
Progress where you're at

Not where someone thinks you are or shouldn't be.

8. Make Him First

It will make a great impact
On everyone you love
If first you keep intact
Who you are with God above

9. The Big Chief

Be the first to admit
You don't know "all of it"
Become a chief learner
From listening you'll profit

We don't need to listen to "one up", be the "expert", or "know-it-all".

10. Gaining Trust

Confidence "stealing"
Does not show trust or care
How one's feeling is safe 
When you don't judge or "share"

11. Pass the Test

Speak in a way
That anyone can hear
What's private say
In a clean way that's dear

12.  TLC

Apply some TLC
As you deliberate
Seek what's convincing
Be open.  Don't berate

13.  Expectations

Inspire and require
A desire to know more
Some things don't expire
Truth is what we're here for

14. Motivation and Talent

If you're low in talent
Keep on all the more
Your mind will take the hint
If you ask the Lord

If you're now at the top
This is not an excuse
You must never stop
The path that does enthuse

15. Apply

Apply what's at hand
With all you now know
Add from where you stand
So new thoughts can grow

16. Predicated Blessings

Predicated blessings
Come through humility
Repent and keep confessing
Show God you are willing

To have eyes that see
You must introspect
On what is lasting
And with others connect

17. Mercy and Justice

To the hand of policy
Hold the vision of justice
From the hand that's personal
Of tender mercy confess

18. Manage Your Chair

Get away from your armchair
And relive learning's great struggle
Be one with the scholars there
To manage you must stay humble

19. Get the Pulse

Get the pulse rate on each scholar
Circulate as well as teach
Do a check up. Are they all there?
Whose mind's alive to reach?

20. The Tone

The tone at the top
Makes its way on down
When impatient, stop
Smile away that frown

Never belittle or shame
Be capable and kind
Always expect the same
Then, that is what you'll find

21. Credibility

First, make it a game
To learn every name
Then search how they're unique
They'll listen as you speak

22. The Only Way Out

When you've cornered yourself
Through a misbehavior
Only changing will help
Then, you can ask for favor

23. Grace Brings Success

You can't hire perfection
To bring you success
It's through imperfection
God's grace can impress

The struggling tongue's found wise
As one learns to listen
It's through effort as one tries
That strengths come through permission

24. Light to See

Unto each soul glows within
Light to solve the pain
Through prayerful study given,
Precious insight we will gain

25. Authority

I do not have to prove
That our Father is in charge
I know He helps me move
To where problems aren't as large

26. Communicate

Each time you insist to argue
And demand your way, you choose
To put up a brick wall anew
Where of self- respect you lose

27. Authentic Interaction

Be authentic as you speak
Take the time to interact
Build relationships that seek
To show gratitude, in fact

28. Discretion

Establish a path of trust
Based on mutual respect
When we're off, seek forgiveness
As our own flaws we inspect

Wisely choose the path you'll take
Great discretion can be found
In the decisions that we make
If to principles we're bound

29. Acknowledge Achievements

There is cause to celebrate
We've reached a milestone
As through grace comes what's great
We've worked hard and have grown

30. Feedback and Criticism

Positive feedback
When unsolicited
Acknowledges an act
Touched their hearts where they stood
When conflicts  arise
Constructive resolutions must be made
We've faith we will rise
Through new opportunities they create

31. Initiate

Initiate the first step
Put your best foot forward
Once this commitment is met
You'll have much to look toward

32. Effective Praise

The most effective praise
Is genuinely authentic
Person to person, it pays
To be honest and specific

33. Room to Breathe

In the grind of the day
There is a debt to pay
It's life, like oxygen
When we give thanks again

34. Building Reserves

Good communication
Builds up a reservoir
During drought's fluctuation
There's still a good rapport

35. Composure

There's a time and a way
To express yourself
Work through what you must say
Stay calm. This will help!

36. Blame

Am I perfect?  No!
So when I fail, I grow
When I fall I shall rise
If I first apologize

37.  Apology in Three

Apologize in three
Steps of humility
Saying I am sorry is not enough
This is my fault. How can I make it up?

38. Honesty

I feel apprehensive
Like I am under attack
Should I be defensive?
How can we get back on track?

39.  Feelings Count

Some feelings are priceless
They're worth more than words
When I'm at my highest
I soar like the birds

40.  Courage to Confess

A fable frames a lesson
That the moral problem deals
It opens doors for confession
Through the courage it instills

41. Fair Treatment

The hardest thing to do
Is to keep a standard true
Is fair for both me and you

42. Responsibility

Since we've on the East coast
The statue of Lady Liberty lit well
On the West coast to coach
Should stand Sir Self-Governing as well

43.  Teachers Reach

Measure a teacher
Not by each word
Look to the scholars
See what they heard

44. Left Unsaid

At the end of the day
I give thanks the most
For things I didn't say
To be mean or boast

4 R'ing

Each word paints a picture
So don't brush on by
Let the spirit tutor
With light from on high

Bathed in the Light

Bathed in the light
Of the restoration
There is insight
For life's exploration

Dive In

Dive in
And explore
Where's the Lord

Imbibe the Spirit

Imbibe the Spirit
Take in and absorb
Know when you hear it
It is from the Lord

God's Love

When you feel God's love
You can discern.
You know to look up,
Towards light to learn 

Root For An Historical Figure

Tell your scholars a story
That gets them to root
For someone in history
Whose life bore good fruit

Seven Principles

Seven principles teach
And deliver good fruit
The scholars know to reach
To decipher what's truth

America's Heritage

America's heritage
Is providential
It is an honor to pledge
To something so special

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