
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Con Tenio Stand Fast in the Lord

Con tenio means to hold together.
With the opposite, we fall apart.
Be steadfast despite the weather
Lest a storm enter inside your heart.

Let the storm pass to breeze on by
For the Lord is ever at hand
Look on to what you can't deny
That in Him, con tenio, you stand

The Latin words con (with) tenio - (to hold together).


Chapter 4

Stand fast (Define standfast: a firm, fixed, or settled position and steadfast: firm and unwavering) in the Lord—We believe in being honest, true, and chaste.
11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.


Verb[edit]  (

teneō (present infinitive tenēreperfect active tenuīsupine tentum); second conjugation
  1. holdhavegrasp.
  2. possessoccupy, control.
  3. watchguardmaintaindefendretainkeep.
  4. reachattaingainacquireobtain.
  5. I hold fastrestraindetaincheckcontrolbindfetter.
  6. (reflexive) I keep backremainstay, hold position.
  7. know, grasp, understandconceive.
  8. recollectretain knowledge of, rememberbear in mind.
  9. insistuphold.
  10. (of laws) I am binding on; bind, hold, obligate.
  11. comprisecontaininclude, hold.

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