
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Have I Done Any Good? Official Music Video ft. Alex Boye & Carmen Rasmus...

The world is a dark place

without goodness and love.

Spread that light on your face

share what comes from above!

I love these two and the crew besides.  Good people doing good things. Shining a little light on the world!

Ye Are the Temple of God

Would you destroy a temple
Where God's spirit resides?
Spiritually we're His people-.
to be holy besides!


How is it done?

Look to the Son.

Parables, prayer.

Personal care.

He let the parables teach what we should do.  Behavior is a big part of teaching.  I have put together a shelf of books and made a list of the behaviors they teach.  Aesop's Fables, poems for recitations: for self expression
  1. the use of books as therapy in the treatment of mental or psychological disorders.
 I also like the Berenstain Bears... Here is a great site:

How You Really Care

A conceptual photograph of a young man shaking hands with a man in a historical photo, paired with the words “Get to Know an Old Friend.”
Doing family history
brings us unto Christ.
It is a long journey
that increases in light.
Timing is everything
to do the work there.
It shows your ancestors
how you really care!

Carry Your Own Weight!

A conceptual photograph of a young man shaking hands with a man in a historical photo, paired with the words “Get to Know an Old Friend.”
Carry your own weight,
when it comes to your kin.
It is not too late
to do your work, begin!

I love this Mormon Ad!

Take Another Look

Take another look.
The Lord is inside.
It's not just a book.
I do testify.

Take another look.
This is the Lord's book
written for our day.
There is much to say!

Hunger for What is Good

A man in a black shirt lifting food jars out of cardboard boxes onto shelves at the bishops’ storehouse.

When you hunger for good
in faith you do find it.
You're filled with gratitude
through this daily diet.

Philippians 4: 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

The Time to Act

As thoughts and feelings come-
that is the time to act.
What you need to get done-
strength will come to do that!

Take It Personally

Take it personally.
The Savior did.
He did so willingly
as the Father's bid.

bid (v)
to command; order; direct:
to bid them depart.

John 14: 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.
Personally, I keep thinking about Elder Perry's parting words:
Elder Ballard recounted the advice that Elder Perry wanted the people of the Church to hear. “[I wish I] could get every member of the Church to go and partake of the sacrament, and when they took the bread, they’d ask themselves, ‘Who am I? What am I doing? How am I living? Where am I going? What should I be accomplishing?’ as they renew their covenants with the Lord.” He finished, “The minute they’d pick up the bread, something [would] happen.” 

The Cup was Made Bitter

The cup was made bitter by mankind.
It was filled with sins of every kind.
Anger, malice, pride, and jealousy
was poured unto Christ most grievously.

Learn the Master's Touch

It is through service
we learn the Master's touch.
We find new purpose
for the Lord is with us.


Lift where you stand.
Serve. Give a hand.
Be the Lord's Light.
Make the world right!

Graze in the Sweet Pasture of the WORD

Graze in the sweet pasture of the Word.
In solitude, meditate.
You'll receive answers as feelings heard
to add upon and assimilate.

Graze in the Written Word

Graze in the sweet pasture
of the written word.
Seek, the Lord will answer
as a feeling heard!

Show Love

Love is not what you say
It is what you do
Kind service is the way
That our love shines through!

Life is Like a Mixing Bowl

Life is like a mixing bowl
Filled with bitter and sweet
When combined it is our goal
To make it good to eat!
To share a lovely treat!

In primary the combined lesson started with a mixing bowl and the primary president kept adding random ingredients and asked if it would taste good.  The funny part was the hard boiled eggs with the shells removed.  In life we have recipes to follow and voices to listen to.

The Lord Will See Us Through

The Lord will see us through
The thick and the thin
First, we must ask Him to
By faith we're blessed then

Thick- wading through a thickness that pulls at you from all sides and makes it difficult to move.
Thin- having so little that it is like being on a mountain top where the air is so thin it is hard to move let alone breathe.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Operation Rand Paul

We need a surgeon
Who will operate
It has grown urgent
This land cannot wait!

The diagnosis has been made
The problems are extensive
The tools have been displayed won't be expensive!

With the Constitution in one hand
And the Bill of Rights in the other
He will restore liberty to this land
And the freedoms for which we hunger.


Some of the things introduced about Rand Paul ( He was here tonight in Las Vegas) 
He has energy, ideas ( he is proud of being different), likes to build forts and make bonfires.  He has been a soccer and little league coach.  He has restored sight to hundreds in Guatemala.  Imagine a couple who have been unable to look at each other for 7 years!  They were both able to take the bandages off and look at each other! I hope he opens eyes to see here in America as well!

The discussion:
corruption that has gone on unchecked
votes are being traded like baseball cards
words are the currency of politicians while actions are the currency of leaders- elect leadership
this republic is not for sale and is not afraid to take on the status quo
regulations/laws/taxes are impediments to motion and stunt growth: companies are moving out of US
the right of personal liberty should unite this country
scrap the revenue neutral tax reform
the burden of government - starve the "beast"!
we are a nation of humanitarians like no other
"beat" the engine of socialism
the 9th amendment comes naturally, he believes from God (yeah!)
no one should be detained- who decides who is dangerous?
individualize instead of generalize 
Republicans are the champions for justice 
immancipation, civil rights, bill of rights 
Rand Paul believes in the 5th and 6th Fifth Amendment - Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private property.Sixth Amendment - Trial by jury and other rights of the accused.
American support and funds should not go to countries or groups that burn out flag.
our number one threat is our debt!
should we borrow to build our defense?
our debt is growing $1million a minute!

A New Way of Thought!

Should you pander, 
Sell out, or be "bought"?
Support gathers
For a new way of thought!
 Read #RandPaul 's thoughts on these issues:  (He is working hard!)

pan·der (v) gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
  1. synonyms:indulgegratifysatisfy, cater to, give in to, accommodate, comply with

Sen. Rand Paul: 'Worldwide War on Christianity' Ignored by Obama, Media

A world wide war against Christians

is being waged today.

Millions sympathize with the violence.

It's more than time to pray!


Accept, respect, heed and honor
Discern, detect God our Father
Follow, fulfill, and adhere too:
Precepts... covenants... Consent anew!

  1. 1.
    permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
  1. 1.
    give permission for something to happen.
    synonyms:agree to, assent to, yield to, give in to, submit to; More


Oh God, please preserve us this day!
We've sought to observe and obey!
Help us perceive what we are to do
So we'll receive Thine blessings anew

ob·serve (v)
  1. 1.
    notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
  2. 2.
    fulfill or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation).
    synonyms:comply with, abide by, keepobey, adhere to, heedhonor, be heedful of, respectfollow, consent to, acquiesce in, acceptfulfill

Moments That Matter Most

Like a child on a swing, it's your life
Look up towards Heaven above
And focus on the warm touch of light
Let the moment move you with love

Truly seek what matters most
Stay aligned to Christ through the highs and lows
He will send the Holy Ghost
To reassure you this is how light grows

After the Storm

When questions abound

Yet answers are few

Brightness can be found

Pray. God will show you!

Now what do you do
After the storms ceases?

If you ask Him to
Christ picks up the pieces!

When questions abound
What do you do?
The Lord can be found
All around you!

Accepting Inviting Our Role

blind, infirm, sick, leprous, lame, beggar...
The Savior loves us, no matter what!
He asks us to change, repent, and get better.
And, is there for us, in all we confront.
With devotion, we heed the gospel call
to be accepting, loving, and kind.
As we align to God's will and give our all
We shine His light for others to find.
"We should be “loving and compassionate” but we should never allow ourselves to believe that Christ just accepts us how we are. That was never in the program. He’s always asked us to change, to repent, to get better, and to overcome the things that we struggle with. When we quit trying to align our wills with God, and start trying to get God to align His will with ours…that is when we start to lose our way. 

Matthew 12:30

He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 

  1. Inviting | Definition of inviting by Merriam-Webster

    attractive in a way that makes you want to do something, go somewhere, be near someone, etc. 
  2. How can I invite others to become more like the Savior?

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    Jesus Christ invited His disciples to follow Him, keep His commandments, and become like Him. As members of the Church, we have the responsibility to follow  ...
  3. Our Responsibility to Invite - The Church of Jesus Christ of ...

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    However, an invitation that is born of our love for others and for the Lord Jesus Christ and our desire for the happiness of these friends and family members will ...
  4. Inviting All to Come unto Christ: Sharing the Gospel

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    When Junior, a young man in a small Florida branch, decided he didn't want to be alone in his belief in Christ, he invited a friend. One friend joined, then another ...
  5. How can I invite all to come unto Christ?

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    On the day the restored Church was organized, the Lord gave Aaronic Priesthood holders the duty to invite all to come unto Christ (see D&C 20:59).
  6. Inviting Others to “Come unto Christ” - Gene R. Cook

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    I testify that the Lord expects us to bring souls unto Him by inviting all men to come unto Christ, and by so doing, find Him ourselves. It truly is “the thing … of the ...
  7. He Invites Us to Follow Him - The Church of Jesus Christ of ...

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    The invitation was for all members of the Church to live with ever more attention to the life and example of the Lord Jesus Christ, emulating the love and hope ...

Push Your Handcart through the Pain and Adversity

The entire Rexburg Idaho Temple lit up in the late evening, with the sunset in the background and a view of the grounds and valley.
Push your handcart
towards light.
With all your heart,
mind, and might.

Along the trail
others mock.
Still, all is well.
Keep on.  Walk.

Push your handcart.
Press on. Pray.
True standards chart
the Lord's way.

Show fortitude.
The path's sure!
Have gratitude
and endure.

for·ti·tude (n)
  1. courage in pain or adversity.
    synonyms:couragebraveryenduranceresiliencemettle, moral fiber, strength of mind, strength of character, strong-mindedness, backbonespiritgrit,true grit, steadfastness

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

“There are many political and social pressures for legal and policy changes to establish behaviors contrary to God’s decrees about sexual morality and contrary to the eternal nature and purposes of marriage and childbearing. These pressures have already authorized same-gender marriages in various states and nations. Other pressures would confuse gender or homogenize those differences between men and women that are essential to accomplish God’s great plan of happiness.
“Our understanding of God’s plan and His doctrine gives us an eternal perspective that does not allow us to condone such behaviors or to find justification in the laws that permit them. And, unlike other organizations that can change their policies and even their doctrines, our policies are determined by the truths God has identified as unchangeable.

“In this determination we may be misunderstood, and we may incur accusations of bigotry, suffer discrimination, or have to withstand invasions of our free exercise of religion. If so, I think we should remember our first priority–to serve God–and, like our pioneer predecessors, push our personal handcarts forward with the same fortitude they exhibited.”“Our twelfth article of faith states our belief in being subject to civil authority and ‘in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.’But man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Commitment to our highest priority–to love and serve God–requires that we look to His law for our standard of behavior. For example, we remain under divine command not to commit adultery or fornication even when those acts are no longer crimes under the laws of the states or countries where we reside. Similarly, laws legalizing so-called ‘same-sex marriage’ do not change God’s law of marriage or His commandments and our standards concerning it. We remain under covenant to love God and keep His commandments and to refrain from serving other gods and priorities–even those becoming popular in our particular time and place.