
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Could It Be?

Could it be, because I'm grateful,
That God's hand is helping me?
In small ways, I show I'm faithful
And I'm blessed... abundantly!

I sense His light, He helps me grow
Through tender care and mercy
I want to share what truths I know...
In His light, there's more to see!

This is the life for which we've come
And prepared for in every way!
Can you sense what you're to become?
Come, feel alive; as this is your day!

Sister Esplin reiterated that the abundant life can be attained through seeking light, truth, and knowledge; through looking through the lens of an eternal perspective; and through feeling and expressing gratitude. “Now is our time to contribute—our time to build, our time to dig, our time to plant,” she said.

It just hit me that the abundant  life is to feel really alive.  To feel our spirit alive within us and to be filled with light, truth, and knowledge.

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