
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Insights Into Isaiah FHE

The setting set the tone
As into an old tent they went
To discuss all alone
Of Isaiah and what he meant

Planning for our empty nester's FHE group.   We usually select a book that discusses the scriptures, but we are looking at these videos instead.  Has anyone else tried them? There are 30 episodes.

BYUTV Insights Into Isaiah

Isaiah 6


The Mountain of the Lord's House

Isaiah 1 - 2

A Song of My Beloved

Isaiah 3 - 5

A Stone of Stumbling, a Rock of Offense

Isaiah 7 - 8

The Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9 - 11

The Day of the Lord Cometh

Isaiah 12 - 14

The Burden of Moab

Isaiah 15 - 17

The Burden of Egypt

Isaiah 18 - 20

A Day of Trouble

Isaiah 21 - 23

We Have Waited for Him

Isaiah 24 - 26

Line Upon Line

Isaiah 27 - 28

A Marvelous Work

Isaiah 29

Go Down Into Egypt

Isaiah 30 - 31

Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

Isaiah 32 - 33

His Sword is Bathed in Heaven

Isaiah 34 - 35

On Whom Dost Thou Trust

Isaiah 36 - 37

The Song of Redeeming Love

Isaiah 38 - 39

With Wings of Eagles

Isaiah 40 - 41

I Will Not Remember Thy Sins

Isaiah 42 - 43

Every Knee Shall Bow

Isaiah 44 - 45

Come Ye Near Unto Me

Isaiah 46 - 48

A Light to the Gentiles

Isaiah 49 - 51

With His Stripes We Are Healed

Isaiah 52 - 53

See Ye the Lord

Isaiah 54 - 55

I Will Heal Him

Isaiah 56 - 57

Wherefore We Have Fasted

Isaiah 58 - 59

The Light is Come

Isaiah 60 - 61

Fear Not

Isaiah 62 - 64

We Are the Clay

Isaiah 65 - 66

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