
Thursday, March 26, 2015

His Final Week the Easter Story


Savor the things which come of God
Let them be a part of you
Be the salt of the Earth for all
Through the good works that you do
Salt of the Earth: Savor of Men and Saviors of Men - general ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
In the New Testament the Savior referred to his disciples as the “salt of the earth,” and charged them to retain their savor (Matt. 5:13).
Matthew 21:1–11, Palm leaves waved in the air as Jesus enters Jerusalem

As the Jewish plots to take His life
Fermented beneath the surface
Jesus continued to testify
And bear fruit through selfless service
resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
"steadfast loyalty"
synonyms: loyalfaithfulcommitteddevoted,

Matthew 26:36–57, Jesus kneels and prays in the garden
The Bitter Cup

In Gethsemane He found the bitterest cup
And to the last dregs Jesus drank it up
Bitter with anguish, dark with despair
He swallowed it all to show He does care

The will of the Son was "swallowed up in the will of the Father." Mosiah 15:7

the complete loss or absence of hope.
"driven to despair, he throws himself under a train"
synonyms: hopelessness, disheartenment, discouragement,
desperationdistress,anguishunhappiness; More
severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
"she shut her eyes in anguish"
synonyms: agonypaintormenttorturesuffering,

Look every which way around.
The Lord's love is so profound.
That He suffered for everyone
To redeem, atone, and ransom

People Watch and Ponder the Immensity of Christ's Love!
What is the difference between redeem, ransom, and atone? Does one build on another? I would love comments???
redeem- purchase back, pay the dept- He took on all our afflictions and sins.
ransom-paying the price to free another. He paid the price of the fall, both physical/spiritual death.
atonement- He made reconciliation (at-one-ment) possible by fulfilling the demands of justice.
Matthew 26:36–57, Jesus kneels and suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane
The Door of Ecstasy for All

The enclosing agony for one
Has opened the door of ecstasy for all
We'll resurrect because of the Son
Mercifully He has atoned us from the fall

Jesus did what He did out of love
That we might return to God's presence
And dwell with him in Heaven above
The narrow way truly is precious!

This takes the following phrase to a whole new level...
What Does All for One and One for All Mean? - › Q&A › Reference › Biographies and Quotations
The phrase 'all for one and one for all' speaks for unity. If one person experiences some kind of problem or difficulty, then other every person comes in to help.
surround or close off on all sides."the entire estate was enclosed with walls"synonyms:surroundcircleringgirdleencompassencircle;

You are Inside His Circle of Love

For everyone, Jesus died
Make a circle. You're inside
Let His love surround you
To guide the things you do

Truth is a Living Light

All truth is as a living light
Which shines before our eyes
And radiates what is right
For growth to improve lives
John 13:1–35, A lamp on the table at the Last Supper
The Cup

With the third cup, by design
He mixed the water with the wine
As a sign of things yet to come
When they would pierce Him, though the Son

During the last supper, the disciples were given four cups of wine. Each have a purpose which varies a little as you search online. They are based on the four promises in Exodus 6

1.I will bring you out. slavery (The blessing is said and the host washes his hands)

The Cup of Blessing or sanctification/ (out of the world and out of spiritual slavery of sin and the fear of death.)- the Kiddush, which means sanctification2. I will rid you of bondage. liberty (The three unleavened matzah are brought out. The middle one is broken in half and set aside. They represent the Godhead and Jesus is torn/ Everyone washes their hands) The washing of feet.

The Cup of Plagues/ Before Eating-telling the story of the Passover/Exodus
the bitter herbs are eaten
Judas is given the bread dipped in sop.3. I will take you for my people. covenant people- Love one another. The promise of peace.The torn bread was blessed and torn as sacrament. (Jesus did not drink the blood of the vine)

The Cup after Supper-the cup of redemption;
became The Blood of the sacrament.
Psalms 113 to 118 – the ‘hallel’, the praise psalms – are sung.
(in praise of the plagues that brought deliverance.)4. I will be to you God. inheritance.
The cup of completion. We will drink this one with Him in our Father's kingdom.

6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments:
7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you God: and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. Exodus 6See wonderful commentary here:

The Appointed Hour

The night was lit by the full moon
Which cast the temple's shadow where
It added to the cloak of gloom
As the group walked away off there

Descending the city, weary
They crossed by a little brook
And soon passed the cemetery
On a path they often took

The grass was tall. It soaked each hem
In the garden where trees were budding
As they walked the wind howled, driven
Adding to the sense of foreboding

Christ's clothes grew heavy as did His heart
It became laborious to step
From the disciples, He turned to part
The appointed hour must be kept...

How many times had He been present
When the olives, here, were pressed?
History lay poised for this event
His deepest thoughts, He expressed

"My soul is very sorrowful."
This He compared even to death
The bitter cup was ever full
With a seemingly endless depth

Peter, James and John, He asked to watch keep
As a ways off the Lord went to pray alone
His friends proved weak and soon fell asleep
Indeed, this night, Christ was utterly on His own

for the appointed hour...
2 (8) April. (Iyyar, barley harvest). This was called the month of flowers, and it was the greenest and considered the most beautiful of all the months. Many times during this month the dry desert winds would blow in for three days at a time, melting the snow, and quickening the vegetation. During this month the harvesting begins in the Jordan valley and on the coastal plain. The fruit trees are in blossom and show their young foliage. The peach, pomegranate, olive, and many more.

By Divine Decree

By divine decree
The great redemption began
In Gethsemane
Christ received the pains of man

The Transferred Debt

Having power over death
That perfectly, He might rise
He transferred and took sin's debt
Vicariously for our lives

From Within

Jesus suffered pain for all.
He took upon Him every sin
He redeemed us from the fall.
And came to know us from within.

Matthew 26:36–56, Christ looks toward Judas
How Deep

How deep His love and compassion is
As He bore the dark depths of Hell
To know every side of injustice
That perfect mercy might prevail

Mercy - Merriam-Webster Online
kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly. : kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation. : a good or ...

A Knowing Heart

With a knowing heart
As one who bore it all
Strength He does impart
Through faith's prayers, large or small

Eternity Hung in the Balance

Eternity hung in the balance
In the Garden of Gethsemane
It was our one solitary chance
For forgiveness of sins.... so many

The Portal

Death's grave is the portal
To become immortal
This through Jesus our friend
Who loves us without end

Because of Jesus Christ, we are assured that the grave is not our destination, merely the portal to immortality and eternal life.

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