
Monday, March 2, 2015

He Entered Gethsemane

Reuben and Rachel variation in my piano lesson book

(Schaum D - The Orange Book - All Pieces - John W. Schaum Piano Course)

 inspired this...

Slowly knowing what would soon pass
He entered Gethsemane
For our sins and pains, He would ask
He trembled. We've so many!

Off a ways.  He prayed and knelt there.
Feeling utterly alone
He was pressed with every man's care
Sin, like venom, was made known

Hardness pressed. How long could this last?
There, He fell upon His face
Could the Father let this cup pass?
He, the lamb, who'd take His place?

Then Satan, knowing his low place
Filled the cup to press Him more
Hell was shown, this was man's fate
Drops of blood sweat out, to pour

But Jesus became yet more pure
He, the lamb, grew white like snow
This gave Him the strength to endure
Our sentence for sin to know

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