
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Consider the Virtues of White

The virtues of white
Fill my world with light
All because of Christ
Offering new life

The first is aglow
With purity to know
In the dimmest light
It shines brilliant white

The next has a sheen
Like a pearl, it's seen
It holds honor's worth
Midst trials- the worst

One, lighter than air
Dances everywhere
When sunlight comes in
Hope is found again!

One, soft and mellow
Hints of a yellow
Its virtue is seen
Warm and embracing

One, crisp and clean and pure
Holds strength to endure
It promises insight
From wisdom straight and bright

One hints of silver
Veiled like a whisper
With love's gentleness
Faith grows to fullness

One, like butter's cream
Stirs a heart to dream
To lift and entreat
With goodness that's sweet

One, is like a flame
Upwards it does aim
Brilliant, white, and hot
It warns you on the spot

One, seems to flicker
When shadows enter
Here white holds out strong
And brightens what is wrong

Last, surrounding the room like chalk
Rubbing off as here you walk
It becomes a part of you
Reminding that you came through

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