
Monday, February 23, 2015

Woven Generations - FamilySearch Ancestral Research

Like unraveled thread
Grief grew in my heart
And filled me with dread
Which tore me apart

My daughter would soon leave
And cross the ocean deep
Then a thought began to weave
A strand of hope to keep

I took a great ball of yarn
My bon voyage gift to send
To teach no matter how far
A mother's love will not end

"Don't forget us," I said
And placed the ball in her hand
"Let it unravel as you sail ahead"
While I hold the trailing strand

For as long as I could see
Her tear filled eyes never left mine
Others waved, but no, not me
I held on still with all my might

And then, I saw the last
As her arms waved up high
I became but the past
And let go... whispering, "Good-bye"

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