
Monday, February 2, 2015

Home and Homework

The slamming of the door
Shut the pain out
All the day's disorder
Grew into a shout...

Survival's impulse
Was to get far away
Tears...pressures' results
Had built up this long day

There was too much homework
A late night was certain
She knew there was housework
That was but her burden

Just being outside
And getting fresh air
Eased up her stressed mind
Her eyes began to clear

A bird  flew to a tree to sing
A cat darted down the road
The sunset  glowed on everything
She sat on some grass and wrote:

Tonight:thirty pages. Plus a report
A science project. Twenty math problems.
Plus the dirty dishes and who knows what more?
Mapping out the night helped her heart soften

She entered the back door
The noise was not too bad
There was a nice odor
The dishwasher hummed, by dad!

She ran and hugged him
and showed her long list
She mopped the floor. Then
She gave her mom a kiss

Feeling love and support
She went into her room
Read and wrote her report
Then diagrammed the moon

Math was put off last
It proved to be too much
She heard footsteps pass
And jumped up to rush

Her brother was now home!
Could he help her out?
He thought math was fun!
They moved figures about

Then. How good it felt
To hug him goodnight
To say prayer. He knelt
Then he tucked her in tight!

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