
Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Challenge of Belief

In the beginning

With Adam and Eve

Was contradiction

That challenged belief

By transgressing

God's laws in their hearts

The first family

Must depart to start

Not knowing all things

We come unto truth

The spirit this brings

Conviction's our proof

How do you explain

Your witness as proof?

To make sacred plain

Makes light of the truth

It is in the struggle

The challenge of faith

That we become humble

And receive God's strength

If this man had come with an honest heart,

seeking to "know for himself"

answers would have come,

the spirit would have helped.

Opposition only serves to strengthen faith in the long run

With the supposer ever searching and never coming to know...

It is not for man to "attack" churches and expose faults

but to seek what good they offer by the truths that are taught.

Mormon Apostle Jeffery R. Holland on BBC

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