
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Love, Joy, Sink Into My Heart

Love, Joy, sink into my heart
And contain every chamber
Come and soften what is hard
That I might feel my Savior

I keep thinking about Alma- when he was harrowed up in sorrow for sin and wished to have not even existed.  In an instant this pain was gone when he remembered what he once knew.  
  1.   3 Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the ajoy of the saints, bsunk deep into my heart.
Cross-References from the Footnotes and Study Helps
  1.   24 ¶ And Jacob was left alone; and there awrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
  2.   3 In the day when I acried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
  3.   17 And it came to pass after I, Nephi, having heard all the awords of my father, concerning the things which he saw in a bvision, and also the things which he spake by the power of the Holy Ghost, which power he received by faith on the Son of God—and the Son of God was the cMessiah who should come—I, Nephi, was ddesirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the eHoly Ghost, which is the fgift of God untogall those who diligently seek him, as well in times of hold as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.
  4.   10 Nevertheless Alma alabored much in the spirit, bwrestling with God in cmighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance.
  5.   17 And it came to pass that as I was thus aracked with torment, while I was bharrowed up by the cmemory of my many sins, behold, I dremembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world.

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