Resilience- what is that?
The energy to rebound:
To recover and move past
Pain, as the atonement is foundPsychological resilience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rebound - Merriam-Webster Online
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
The Milky Way
Spiral galaxy- The MilkyWay courtesy of NASA |
Fly the milky way
Journey with the Lord
Build your faith each day
Let your spirit soar
Discover new precepts
Hold on fast and partake
The meatier subjects
To you soon will awake
Doctrine and Covenants 19:22
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Jesus Tried by Caiaphas, Peter Denies Knowing Christ
They filed into the dark room one by one
For an untimely trial of God's own Son
His divine role quickly was denounced
As death for blasphemy too was pronounced
Christ spoke of what could not be denied
He for the truth would be crucified
While poor Peter stood not by the lamb
Denying three times the living I AM
past tense: denounced; past participle: denounced
- publicly declare to be wrong or evil."the Assembly denounced the use of violence"
The Burst of Sunlight
The burst of sunlight after the rain
Shows how clean the world can be.
Through repentance we have much to gain.
Through the Lord there is cleansing.
I left work just in time to see this!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Did You?
This song put tears to my eyes.
Did you die quickly?
Did you die clean?
Did you die fitly
In Christ, our King?
I am doing family search and there are so many men who have died in so many wars and it is so sad to see the ones where the family line stops. Generations could have been...
Care to Share
No one cares how much you know
Until they know how much you care
Give of yourself more to show
Love's a priority to share
Until they know how much you care
Give of yourself more to show
Love's a priority to share
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Keep God's laws
As your standards
Hell has jaws
Each choice matters
As your standards
Hell has jaws
Each choice matters
Standard - Merriam-Webster Online
... Hell - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What Has God Done For You?
A dismal man who had lost his faith
Challenged, "What has God done for you?"
And I being one who likes to pray
Replied, "He strengthens me anew"
Fear and hatred is no more
As peace and love fills my heart
Through Him, I can start over
Inspired... to do my part
Challenged, "What has God done for you?"
And I being one who likes to pray
Replied, "He strengthens me anew"
Fear and hatred is no more
As peace and love fills my heart
Through Him, I can start over
Inspired... to do my part
This Nation
This nation
Is like no other
We station
To serve our brother
I keep thinking of the military who go into harms way are now setting up stations in the midst of Ebola. I am so deeply touched. How scary!
Is like no other
We station
To serve our brother
I keep thinking of the military who go into harms way are now setting up stations in the midst of Ebola. I am so deeply touched. How scary!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Be of Good Cheer
He felt useless and alone
With a death sentence near
The Lord came and made it known
Paul did have cause to cheer
Imagine that... the Lord near, praying for you, and blessing you! What could you not do through Christ who strengthens?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
This image was made by |
Who feels alone
And why?
By Christ you're known
For He does near
And feels
Each pain...each tear
And heals!
Oh, what comfort
What love
Comes from the Lord
I saw a stranger walking along crying and I wish I thought to share this thought. Pray- the comforter is real!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
200 Years The Star Spangled Anthem
Two years into the war of 1812
The White House was seized and burned
With the President still alive and well
Our desire to strike back returned
The British were not please
Cut off, they retaliated
A kind doctor, in bed, was seized
The fighting, thus, escalated
Our government seeking to free
This elderly doctor and friend
Sent of two, (one Francis Scott Key)
To offer a prisoner exchange, in the end
A flag of truce was waved
To enter a British vessel
And the exchange was made
But, not till dawn due to the hassle
The battle that night was fierce
With combatants, each other pursuing
It would take sunshine to pierce
Through the smoke from the battle ensuing
Fort McHenry had little defense
Its large flag would tell it all
Through the night, nervous and tense
In the morning, how it stood tall!
Overcome by the sight, with much emotion
Key wrote most of the words to a song
As a patriot, expressing devotion
To our God, who had kept the land strong
He continued, more to write
As soon as they arrived ashore
A relative helped find the tune that night
Then it was handbilled for Baltimore
Now as our national anthem
It is sung as our flag is raised
As chests fill with pride often tears brim
With the words so powerfully praised
And as each lifts up their eyes
Unto the flag freely waving
Let us, too, look high to the skies
And give thanks to God for our saving
I love the fact that Francis Scott Key was an amateur poet (like me).
Who was better to write this than one trying to serve his country and bravely working negotiations to free an innocent and elderly man?
This banner, the largest battle flag in existence, measures 36 by 29 feet. It was made by Mrs. Mary Young Pickersgill and her two nieces for exactly $405.90. The material was cut at Mrs. Pickersgill's home, "No. 60 Albemarle Street, Old Town" (Pratt and Albemarle Streets, Baltimore), and carried to a nearby brewery, where it was sewed together in anticipation of the British attack on the fort.
Anyone know the history of this?
The Salt Lake Temple in 1897, draped with the U.S. flag used in the 1896 statehood celebration. Source: George Reed Collection, University of Utah.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
To Fly in the Face of Providence
To fly in the face of providence
Is to get wrapped up in sin
To disavow warning's evidence
And seek the favor of men
Is to get wrapped up in sin
To disavow warning's evidence
And seek the favor of men
Brushed Aside
We quickly brush aside
The pain of disasterAnd the spirit our guide
As pride we seek after
Long forgotten, faith's labor
Like unto birthing a child
As to the world we seek favor
Till we're unclean and defiled
“We have a tendency to forget our pains quickly, even as does a mother when her child is born. Little is said even now about the Arizona floods, although the debris and broken bridges remain....
“It is possible to become so hardened that we brush aside the warning voice, and even forget our sufferings. Those who lost their homes and loved ones won’t easily forget, though, even if the general public does.
“Must the Lord speak in louder tones? Must He send greater disasters before we listen to His warning voice?
“How much does it take to waken us to a realization that God is real, that there is an end to His patience, and that the only true security in these troubled times is through obedience to the Most High? Why fly in the face of Providence?” (Church News, 21 June 1980, p. 12.)
- To fly in the face of providence
Is to get wrapped up in sin
To disavow warning's evidence
And seek the favor of men
Let the Solemnity
Let the solemnity
Of all eternity
Rest upon your heart
As treasure to impart
Doctrine and Covenants 43: 34
Hearken ye to these words. Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Treasure these things up in your hearts, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds.
Of all eternity
Rest upon your heart
As treasure to impart
Doctrine and Covenants 43: 34
Hearken ye to these words. Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Treasure these things up in your hearts, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds.
- the state or quality of being serious and dignified."his ashes were laid to rest with great solemnity"
- a formal, dignified rite or ceremony.plural noun: solemnities"the ritual of the church was observed in all its solemnities"
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman
Any well can go dry
And leave you thirsty still...
From living water, draw
In spirit and truth thrill!
Jesus Teaches about the Widow's Mites
The poor widow
Wise in her years
Knows to give, though
Poverty nears
She walks in faith
That prayers are heard
And receives strength
Through the Lord's word
The Lord Spares
The tares are in our midst
reveling in our pain.
They delight in all sins.
Our souls they wish to gain.
Oh, how we need to pray,
even for all the tares!
As then we receive strength
through the Lord who spares.
reveling in our pain.
They delight in all sins.
Our souls they wish to gain.
Oh, how we need to pray,
even for all the tares!
As then we receive strength
through the Lord who spares.
Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual Alma 59–63
see Alma 62:40; see also Alma 10:22–23; Helaman 13:13–14).
Unity of the Faith
The perfect bond of peace
Is centered upon Christ.
There's unity in place
As we serve and share His Light.
Beautiful scriptures from Paul as he was imprisoned- sharing light from a very dark place.
Be a kind human
being, for real
Love is life's solution,
begin to heal
Being - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Monday, September 8, 2014
The Perfect Bond of Peace
The perfect bond of peace
Is centered upon Christ
Where unto Him we place
Our darkness for His light
I had this thought while riding my bike. Wouldn't it be like Zion if we all strove to center our thoughts and actions on Christ...
Is centered upon Christ
Where unto Him we place
Our darkness for His light
I had this thought while riding my bike. Wouldn't it be like Zion if we all strove to center our thoughts and actions on Christ...
The Comfort Zone
Cross that marked line-
Your comfort zone.
Follow Christ's Light;
You're not alone.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
How is it that a song
Can heal what is wrong?
Through emotions relived...
Pent up tears flow released
The Making of Where Are the Desks Part 1
The Making of Where Are the Desks Part 1
Is a desk a right?
Is it something to earn?
Here is some insight...
there's a message to learn!
Imagine a room void of desks and then one by one they are brought in by our soldiers who work so hard fighting for freedom.
Is a desk a right?
Is it something to earn?
Here is some insight...
there's a message to learn!
Imagine a room void of desks and then one by one they are brought in by our soldiers who work so hard fighting for freedom.
Elizabeth Mueller Singing The National Anthem (6 yrs old)
May God bless America
for generations to come!
And grant us miracles
Like when our nation was won
Great job Elizabeth!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Do You Pass the Israel Test?
Celebrate others
in the good that they do.
We are all brothers
Arabs, Christians, and Jews
The Law of the Harvest
The law of the harvest
Is much more, you see
In life you are blessed
When you do good things
Our relationships, goals
Career paths, and more
Can spiritually grow
In the light of the Lord
Is much more, you see
In life you are blessed
When you do good things
Our relationships, goals
Career paths, and more
Can spiritually grow
In the light of the Lord
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Becoming Tender
How else do you become tender
Save through the bruising of pain?
Then empathy lights in splendor
Through charity unfeigned
The tears, they flow easily
Freed from walls of pretense
The heart warms more readily
For tender mercy is sensed
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Use Your Elbow
Use your elbow
When you sneeze
For germs grow
And spread disease
Second week of school and we have two kids out....sick.
When you sneeze
For germs grow
And spread disease
Second week of school and we have two kids out....sick.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Jotta A Agnus Dei ♫ Hallelujah ♪ ♫
Out of the mouth of babes
Our hearts are touched and opened
Unto our Lord who saves
And gives us much to hope in
Monday, September 1, 2014
It's quantity
Not quality
That children want
Then hearts are won
Time is all I need
In the home today
Mom and Dad and me
Every single day
Not quality
That children want
Then hearts are won
Time is all I need
In the home today
Mom and Dad and me
Every single day
Harsh Words
Harsh words, like daggers
Cut us right to the quick
Know patience matters
And your fights, you must pick
These are the moments
When you must pray hard
Refrain from comments
And anger, discard
What would Jesus do?
Doctrine and Covenants 121:37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.
Cut us right to the quick
Know patience matters
And your fights, you must pick
These are the moments
When you must pray hard
Refrain from comments
And anger, discard
What would Jesus do?
Doctrine and Covenants 121:37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.
41 No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
42 By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile—
43 Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;
The Simple Seven
Learn and do life's simple seven
As the way back towards Heaven
Doubly pray with your family and alone
As well as read the scriptures that the Savior might be known
Have Family Home Evening as a learning ground
So that in the home the spirit might abound
Attend the temple oft as well as weekly partake
Of the Lord's sacrament, where covenants you remake
The Simple Seven
1,2. Pray as a family and individually
3,4. Read the scriptures as a family and individually
5. Hold Family Home Evening
6. Go to your church meetings
7. Go to the temple
As the way back towards Heaven
Doubly pray with your family and alone
As well as read the scriptures that the Savior might be known
Have Family Home Evening as a learning ground
So that in the home the spirit might abound
Attend the temple oft as well as weekly partake
Of the Lord's sacrament, where covenants you remake
The Simple Seven
1,2. Pray as a family and individually
3,4. Read the scriptures as a family and individually
5. Hold Family Home Evening
6. Go to your church meetings
7. Go to the temple
Rise to the Temple
A cascading avalanche of evil
Threatens to engulf us all
Rise to the Lord's temple as God's people
And don't come down lest you fall
I found a pdf for inspiring the family towards the temple
52 Weeks of Inspiring Family History & Temple Service Quotes
The Calling of Callings
There is but one calling
Of which there is no release
Family is no small thing
So treasure your loved ones please
Of which there is no release
Family is no small thing
So treasure your loved ones please
Yanked From the Stream of Life
Yanked from the stream of life
Into a cesspool of woe
I turned to Jesus Christ
What cleansing, I came to know!
Turning completely around is a 360 degree change.
There's actually a book that talks about making a full circle in your life for radical change.
Into a cesspool of woe
I turned to Jesus Christ
What cleansing, I came to know!
Turning completely around is a 360 degree change.
There's actually a book that talks about making a full circle in your life for radical change.