With the third cup, by design
He mixed the water with the wine
As a sign of things yet to come
When they would pierce Him, though the Son
During the last supper, the disciples were given four cups of wine. Each have a purpose which varies a little as you search online. They are based on the four promises in Exodus 6
1.I will bring you out. slavery (The blessing is said and the host washes his hands)
The cup of completion. We will drink this one with Him in our Father's kingdom.
He mixed the water with the wine
As a sign of things yet to come
When they would pierce Him, though the Son
During the last supper, the disciples were given four cups of wine. Each have a purpose which varies a little as you search online. They are based on the four promises in Exodus 6
1.I will bring you out. slavery (The blessing is said and the host washes his hands)
The Cup of Blessing or sanctification/ (out of the world and out of spiritual slavery of sin and the fear of death.)- the Kiddush, which means sanctification
2. I will rid you of bondage. liberty (The three unleavened matzah are brought out. The middle one is broken in half and set aside. They represent the Godhead and Jesus is torn/ Everyone washes their hands) The washing of feet.
The Cup of Plagues/ Before Eating-telling the story of the Passover/Exodus
the bitter herbs are eaten
Judas is given the bread dipped in sop.
3. I will take you for my people. covenant people- Love one another. The promise of peace.The torn bread was blessed and torn as sacrament. (Jesus did not drink the blood of the vine)
The Cup after Supper-the cup of redemption;
became The Blood of the sacrament.
Psalms 113 to 118 – the ‘hallel’, the praise psalms – are sung.
(in praise of the plagues that brought deliverance.)
4. I will be to you God. inheritance.The cup of completion. We will drink this one with Him in our Father's kingdom.
6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments:See wonderful commentary here: http://www.differentspirit.org/articles/passover_meal.php
7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you God: and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. Exodus 6
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