
Sunday, August 31, 2014

There is No Room So Full

There is no room so full
That the Lord can't come in
His love then to sample
As we are freed within

Separate Wants from Needs

Separate your wants
From your needs
For as a man hunts
Each thought leads

Be a Pioneer

Be a pioneer
And begin anew
Seek Zion near
Make overs renew

Leave a Legacy

Leave a legacy
Founded on Christ
Help others to see
You shine with light

Search Results

  1. Matthew 5:15 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a ... 16 Let yourlight so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your  ...

In Fetal Slumber

In fetal slumber
We drift away
And remember
Things of our day

Something that we missed
Then comes into light
It dawns like the mist
Then dries out of sight

Have you ever had a dream and remembered it for just a moment and then it was gone?

The Traveling Teenager

Oft as through life's hoops they jump
Teenagers move full speed ahead
A parent is their speed bump
With a sign that warns, "Use your head!"

The Resolution [from the movie COURAGEOUS] Print at Christian

Hereby this resolution

Made to God and before all

Is my declaration

That to the home is my call

Our Bishop talked about this today.  It is beautiful.  I want to watch the movie. A father shares with some other men that he wants them to hold him accountable on how he is doing in keeping his resolution.  It has such an effect on them that they want to take the resolution as well... These are manly men!

Here are some of the resolutions: and you can order the whole thing at this site:

The Resolution [from the movie COURAGEOUS] Print at Christian

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord  
THE RESOLUTION is a bold declaration of commitments that men are making to be faithful to God as the spiritual leader of their home. As read in the movie, this print is ready for framing to mark the moment and celebrate the commitment being made to God and family.
I DO solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children.
I WILL love them, protect them, serve them, and teach them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home.
I WILL be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down my life for her as Jesus Christ did for me.
I WILL train them to honor authority and live responsibly.
I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.
I WILL learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. ---Joshua 24:15
Product Details:

Focus More

Focus more than less
Outside yourself
Be one who does bless
Through the Lord's help

The Natural Man

The natural man
Manipulates truth,
Trusts in his own hand,
And of his horn, toots

Saturday, August 30, 2014

God is the Source and Answer

God is the source and answer
For every bit of truth
Line upon line to gather
A witness as the proof

For Profit and Learning- The Old Testament

The spirit speaks in truth
And manifests plainly
Through the Word to reprove
For our growth and training

The spirit speaks in truth
Of all things as we've faith
Line upon line there's proof
God knows all that we face

Matthew 16: 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Here are two witnesses of the importance of the Old Testament:

1Nephi 19: 23 And I did read many things unto them which were written in the books of Moses; but that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah; for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning.

For Our Profit and Learning: The Value of Studying the Old Testamen

Old Testament Student Manual Genesis-2 Samuel, (1980), 20–25

The Apostle Paul commended Timothy, saying, “From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures” (2 Timothy 3:15). As far as we know, the only scriptures available to Timothy were what we know today as the Old Testament. Note what Paul said about these holy writings:
  1. 1. 
    They are able to make one wise unto salvation (see 2 Timothy 3:15).
  2. 2. 
    They are given by the inspiration of God (see v. 16).
  3. 3. 
    They are profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (see v. 16).
  4. 4. 
    They help the man of God become perfect and fully equipped for every good work (see v. 17).

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Walk Around and See

Walk around and look at people.
Each has the light of Christ within
To help us know good from evil;
And to lead us home to Heaven.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Student Becomes the Master

The student becomes the Master
As he puts his big boy pants on
Then, he is saved from disaster
For the Master helps him along

How many times have you heard at church that the speaker remembers when so and so was in the nursery and now is in mutual?  Or the same general idea.  It is exciting to watch the progress of our youth and how they are in leadership positions while so young.


To progress.
Don't be scared.
God does bless.

The Best Boss in All the Cosmos

The best boss in all the cosmos
Compensates us well with angels
We can sense their presence, almost
As a new tongue in us unveils

  1. “The Tongue of Angels” - Robert S. Wood
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    Nephi declared that the fruit of receiving the Holy Ghost and listening to the promptings of the Spirit is that we may speak with “the tongue of angels” (2 Ne. 32:2).

We're Hastening the Work

We're hastening the work
In gathering lost sheep
As shepherds to the world
We've the gospel to preach

Submission - Receive the Call

  1. How vital submission is

  2. When receiving new calls
  3. ...We're as bumpy and uneven as
  4. A sack of doorknobs

  5. "Life in the Church means experiencing leaders who are not always wise, mature, and deft.  In fact, some of us are as bumpy and uneven as a sackful of old doorknobs.  Some of the polishing we experience is a result of grinding against each other.  How vital submissiveness is in such circumstances, especially if the lubrication of love is not simply present." -Neal A. Maxwell


Preoccupations take us
On a journey from light
They've dominion over us
Thus turn quickly to Christ

I Thought We Had Landed

I thought we had landed
But we continue to fly
We're so busy... granted
Working in the temple, is why

The new temple president and his wife spoke.  They are so new, they said they haven't unpacked the four boxes they brought. 

The Lord's Emissary

As the Lord's emissary
I hold divine light
It's His words I carry
To teach with insight

I am always amazed how young missionaries are always prepared to give us a message when we feed them.


Focus like a laser
On what you can do
To spread the Word farther
To those before you

Of all the mind boggling uses for lasers beams, if one could send a message of light to a darkening world, it would be the most important.

Take a Chance

Take a chance
Extend a hand
Help one grasp
The gospel, grand

Come Back to the Fold

Come back the fold needs you
We are hastening His work
There is so much to do
To prepare all of the world

  1. Haste, Hasten, Hasty
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    Scriptures ... the Lord will hasten it in his time: Isa. 60:22 . ... I will hasten my word to perform it: Jer. ... let the work of the gathering be not in haste: D&C 58:56 .

  2. not in haste

How Do You Hear the Voice of the Lord?

How do you hear
The voice of the Lord?
Invite Him near
And heed His good word

A Friend
Amy has an inspiring message.  It was good for me to think about the friendships that have made an impact on who I am today.

A friend gives from the heart
Words and smiles that invite
The spirit to impart
In a bond filled with light

A friend misses your face
And asks about your day
A friend's first to embrace
You when things aren't okay

A friend remembers well
The good times when you grew
True friends are mutual
They serve each other too

As a Believing Man

As a believing man
Where is your faith today
On a team, trend, or brand?
What would the Savior say?

God Made Us Special

God made us special,
Unique, and set apart
Each individual
Has a place in His heart

Dare to Set a Goal with an Object Lesson

Dare to set a goal
Dream to set it high
Let it fill your soul
Through the strength of Christ

  1. Philippians 4:7 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ...
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    6 a Be b careful for nothing; but in every thing by c prayer and supplication with d ... 13 I can do all things through a Christ which b strengtheneth me.

  2. For a visual of this:  
  3. imagine all the burdens 
  4. you are asked to bare
  5. All the trying hurdles
  6. In this balloon, here  -put pebbles into a deflated balloon till it looks lumpy.
  7. Then pray and give it all
  8. To the Lord in faith
  9. Blow it up, see how small
  10. Things are with His strength.  the pebbles are now just a small fraction of the balloon.

Integrity Is

Integrity is doing the right thing
Because you should, not because it is seen.
It is knowing just who you are
By following our true North Star.

The Complete Story

As long as there are truths
Yet to be revealed
Within us an angst moves
Till we're wholly healed

Then, with the complete story
We truly understand
Along with the history
Was our redeemer's hand

Where's the Consequence

When you lie, cheat, and steal
Where's the consequence?
The spirit hurt, must heal
It's called repentance

In consequence
Is the word sequence
The sequence of repentance is like the 12 step addiction pattern:

1. recognize
2. remorse
3. resolution
4. reliance
5. reconciliation
6. renewal

The 12 steps and the 5 R's | LDS Recovery’s/

Jun 30, 2006 - However, it is rare for us to go into any detail regarding how to actually
repent once one is caught into an addiction. That said, the five R's aren't  

And then, the 6's renewal of man in CHRIST. This pdf is wonderful!

  1. [PDF]


    The Traditional 5 Rs of Repentance ... The Rs of True Repentance. In His Footsteps Today (LDS Sunday School manual, used 1970-‐71), 43-‐44. 1.

When We Sin

When we commit a sin
Who is the first to know?
Christ's perfect light within
Alerts the face, to show

The chest becomes tight
And it proves so hard to breathe
You want to take flight
But from yourself you can't leave

The bathe of emotions
Have set an awful course
Then, for a magic potion
Repent with remorse

Do you ever feel your face get hot when you do something wrong? Is there fear? How is this different from anxiety or the flush of embarrassment?  How do you get rid of these awful feelings?  Do we ever get past feeling and kick against the pricks? Self government requires we ask these questions to understand and move on.

Go and Talk it Out

Go and talk it out
With Cuddle Bear
He will never shout
Then, say a prayer

Kids go through fight or flight too and need to release their emotions.

Set a High Goal

Set a high goal
It is reachable
To the Lord, go
And be teachable

I love how the church needs everyone. The young and the old.  Having goals is a wonderful thing.

Life is a Pilgrimage

  1. Life is a pilgrimage

  2. A search for love and faith
  3. It advances as we age
  4. As more towards heaven we face

  5. Pilgrimage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    pilgrimage is a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance. Typically, it is a journey to a shrine or other location of importance to a person's beliefs and ...

Climb Your Own Ladder

Climb your own ladder
At an even pace
Study each matter
There's no second place

Looking for excellence at work? Where should you put your attention and effort? At what point do you need to worry about the efforts of others?
The bottom line is living with yourself and your efforts while being an example and helping support the ladders of others.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Does God Exist [HQ]

What is absent in your life?

We know darkness, without light

That God is bad is a lie

When we seek Him, we're made bright

Friday, August 22, 2014

NO Longer Half Hearted

No longer half hearted
I seek for the best
My doubts have departed
And I have been blessed

More than Anything

I want more than anything
God's love in my heart
Humbly, I am offering
My all to do my part

Hindsight for Blessings

As the darkness parted
I saw how I'd been blessed
I, though once weak hearted
Had been put through a test

  1. understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.
    "with hindsight, I should never have gone"

Burst of Hope

From a warm desire
Comes a burst of hope
Flowing to inspire
From our Heavenly home

The Heart Begins to Pound

The heart begins to pound
Fully alive again!
The spirit, here is found
And leads just like a friend

The Strength of Priesthood Power

The strength of priesthood power
Can bless us every hour
And improve our very lives
As we trust in Jesus Christ

Power in the Priesthood - Neil L. Andersen
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
by Neil L. Andersen - A courageous mother raising five children listened attentively to the second verse: “Mine is a home where [every] hour is blessed by the strength of priesthood  

Happiness is Found

Satan seeks to control
Our minds and actions
To confuse our roles
And create distractions

Happiness is found
When we're free of despair
When we've light around
And we feel the Lord's care

Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes and remember
How it feels to be clean
Rekindle that warm ember
That helps you live life's dream

How Great Shall Be Your Joy

How great shall be your joy
When you bring new souls to me
That your heart will rejoice
From the beauty soon to see

  1. How Great Shall Be Your Joy - Liahona Feb. 2011 - liahona
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
    by Henry B. Eyring - “And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many ...

The Hebrew Love Story

Why would a devout Jew become Mormon?
Because it connects heaven and earth for them
With covenants, oaths, and laws to obey
The Hebrew love story continues today

The Greatest Pioneer Known

Turn life's pages unto the past
To the greatest pioneer known
And upon Jesus you would cast
As He marked our path alone

Good Things are Created Twice

Good things are created twice
Through the light of Jesus Christ
First in the thoughts that arise
Until, then, it springs to life

Now let us start with you
And with the end in mind
What do you want to do?
You've gifts inside to find

God's power behind you
Is greater than what's ahead
You have a work to do
Seek the spirit to be led

"We don't invent our mission; we detect it."  Victor Frankl

The World is Changing Fast

The world is changing fast
With darkness settling in
Make covenants that will last
And shine aglow within

Like a Baby Chick

Like a baby chick
Breaking from its shell
Life's test, long and thick
Is one to live and tell

Each to find alone
Midst surroundings hard to bear
That the Lord did atone
And suffer because He cared

The promise of new life
Is how we keep going
Past darkness into light
For seeing and growing

Greater Courage is Called For

Greater courage is called for
When you stumble and fall
Be humble unto the Lord
You're not alone, at all

It Takes Courage

It takes courage to weather the storm
But you don't have to do it alone
Our father has a listening ear
Out of the darkness light can appear

The clouds will break
The sun will show
You need not quake
Seek the rainbow

Temples Dot the Earth

Today temples dot the earth
As sacred places to make
Covenants of eternal worth
That light in us awakes


Soar on eagles' wings
Uplifted with new faith
Sail where freedom reigns
And where hope never fades

Love Conquers Fear

I will not fear
What man can do
The Lord is near
And His love, too!

Patience is Required

Patience is required
At every turn
We unhinge when tired
Rest, prove you've learned

It is so hard to be patient with myself and others.  Balancing expectations with allowing others to self-govern...

Life Can be Sweet

In the midst of paradise
There stands the tree of life
It is bright before the eyes
With fruit as white as light

Some walk all the way around
Others reach to partake
Here the purest love is found
Which is sweet to the taste

Some ignore it, determined
That they have much to eat
What can we do for that friend?
Show how life can be sweet

How relevant is Religion?

How relevant is religion
For our country we must ask
Is it a cause for division
Or a help to every task?

President Thomas S. Monson Display - Deseret Book Store - SLC Utah

May warm fuzzies abound
From kind things that we do
That your wishes be found
Happy Birthday to you

Well he can add to his timeline another birthday! Happy Birthday President Monson!

Ye Are No More Strangers

We are strangers no more
Nor are we foreigners
But fellow saints in Christ
Filled with His peace and light

Ephesians 2:19
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

our fellow citizens

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fill Your Bucket

Fill your bucket
with joy and service.
Family, love it-
your highest purpose.

Social Media and the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Sweep The Earth As With A F...

Let us sweep the whole earth

with God's light, as a flood .

What is sweetly of worth?

Let us praise it as good!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Through the Eyes of Faith

Through the eyes of faith
Look beyond current pain
Each trial you face
Comes with blessings to gain
My dad is having neck surgery this morning to prevent him from becoming a quadriplegic . I called to check on him (is he awake to get to the hospital?) because i cant be there i am in training for a new job. My mom told me my sister who lives in Oakhurst  is waiting out a fire near by with a possible evacuation for the second time this summer! So these thoughts were going on in my head as I thought of this talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Grateful in Any Circumstances".
Our trials come
Still, give thanks.
Trust in the Son
In all things.

The surgery went just fine! The fire still rages...

Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges.
This is not a gratitude of the lips but of the soul. It is a gratitude that heals the heart and expands the mind.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fear God

For Heavenly Father have fear
Which really means hold and revere
All that He is, His gospel, and laws
As oft, in gratitude, we should pause

  • Fear - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Fear can have two meanings: (1) to fear God is to feel reverence and awe for him and to obey his commandments; (2) to fear man, mortal dangers, pain, and evil  ...
  • Fear of God - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Surely the fear of God is not in this place: Gen. 20:11 ... Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God: Deut. 6:13 . ... God require of thee, but to fear the Lord: Deut. 10:12 .
  • God Hath Not Given Us the Spirit of Fear” - Ensign Oct ...

    “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee. … “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, ...