
Friday, May 30, 2014

We Are Not Made for Endings

Dead end sign by jhnri4 - Dead End sign.

Income, health, love, and marriage
We all hate for great things to end
Still...we've much more to cherish
Through, Jesus, our eternal friend

We Are Not Made for Endings
In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us?There seems to be something inside of us that resists endings.... 
May we “live in thanksgiving daily” especially during the seemingly explainable endings that are part of mortality. 
May we allow our souls to expand in thankfulness toward our merciful  Heavenly Father.  
May we ever and constantly raise our voices and show by word and deed  our gratitude to our Father in Heaven and to His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. 
Grateful in Any Circumstances
President Deiter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, May 2014

Doctrine and Covenants 78: 19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred foldyea, more.

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