
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Eyes to See

Do you ever see something that causes a second look?

The bird is real! And he was patient to stay there while I had to cross at a light.

I have seen this statue while driving by and thought, "How cute!" 

"They are enjoying flowers!"

But what is also happening is the bigger girl has just tied the shoe of the little girl.

The statues may not be real
But the bird reminded me of a day
When I was sad and felt ill
A white dove rested on my head to stay

I picked it up and held it
It was as small and fragile as my heart
One of its legs was crippled
And through our friendship the world seemed less harsh

Nature is a gift from God
Filled with beauty for those with eyes to see
Moments bloom and then they're gone
But, still, we are blessed by each memory

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