
Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Firmly Set Anchor

Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

The gospel's firm anchor
Steadies us in a storm
That we not drift off course
When life's gales blast full force

Mooring in Ignorance

While mooring at your destination
Let your sea anchor firmly set
Though there's no storm at this location
Undercurrents move, don't forget!

A Firmly Set Anchor
Elder Dieter F. Uctdorf
Ensign, April 2014
A Firmly Set Anchor
Adversity can come as a great storm to blow us off course and threaten to cast us against the rocks. But sometimes we are also in danger when everything appears to be safe—the winds soft and the waters smooth. In fact, we can be in the greatest danger when we are drifting and movement is so slight that we scarcely notice it.
Gale is defined as: wind of considerable strength; a state of current or passing emotions;  a gentle breeze.

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