
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Here Am I

Here am I
Send me
I will try
Through Thee

Linda K. Burton

 General Women's Meeting

General Women's Meeting

Along the covenant path
Help others stand up tall
This is our Father's plan
And we must give our all

Feelings of Approval

Feelings of approval come back
During the sacramental prayers
Repent. Receive the strength you lack
And remember how much God cares

Thoughts from Eyring's talk from Women's Conference 2014

Put a Bounce In Your Step

Put a bounce in you step.
Sing a happy tune.
Give it a lot of pep.
Share it with me, too.

Sleep the night Away

15 sneaky sleep stealers

Our cortisol levels are high
To help us start our day
And then they taper off by night
So we're relaxed and sleep okay.

When someone is a stressed wreck
In a state of constant fight or flight
There is a reverse affect
And you are way too revved up at night

To get your hormones back on track
Think about those you love, all day
Balance your nerves and cardiac
Then you will sleep the night away

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Sisters are there
Through the thick and the thin
They offer care
From Christ's love shared within

Sister Bonnie L Oscarson
Women's Conference

A House Divided

A house divided will fall
And all the fruit found thereof
Let us work to give our all
To build God's kingdom of love

Matthew 12 read along

A Moral Force of Women

A moral force of women
Works as an influence for good.
To help the work of Heaven,
And exemplify womanhood.

What is it women can possess
That sets them apart from men?
The intuitive way they impress
The need for goodness within.

A virtuous woman's strength
Is greatly needed today;
To instill courage and faith
That our covenants we obey.

As trends and forces more combine
And the conscience of many dims;
Satan works hard to undermine
Society's definitions for sins.

So more than ever we need
Women who will help the rising youth;
By example to then lead
Them to high places to never move.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
The Moral Force of Women
Ensign, November 2013

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Set Course of Faith

On a set course of faith
Remind yourself to pray
God's promises are sure
As we strive to obey

Welcome peace to your heart
Repent.  Let go of fear
Seek the scriptures for truth
And feel God's love appear

President Boyd K. Packer
The Key to Spiritual Protection
November Ensign, 2014
Peace can be settled in the heart of each
 who turns to the scriptures and unlocks
the promises of protection and redemption.

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler

What lack I yet
To follow Christ?
And be perfect
Before His eyes
What can I give
Away to know
His ways to live
To learn and grow

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Look every which way around.
The Lord's love is so profound.
That He suffered for everyone
To redeem, atone, and ransom

People Watch and Ponder the Immensity of Christ's Love

what is the difference between redeem, ransom, and atone? Does one build on another? I would love comments???
redeem- purchase back, pay the dept- He took on all our afflictions and sins.
ransom-paying the price to free another- He paid the price of the fall- of physical/spiritual death for us.
atonement- He made reconciliation (at-one-ment) possible by fulfilling the demands of        justice.

You are Inside His Circle of Love

For everyone, Jesus died
Make a circle. You're inside
Let His love surround you
To guide the things you do

From Within

Jesus suffered pain for all.
He took upon Him every sin
He redeemed us from the fall.
And came to know us from within.

Eternity Hung in the Balance

Eternity hung in the balance
In the Garden of Gethsemane
It was our one solitary chance
For forgiveness of sins.... so many

The Portal

Death's grave is the portal
To become immortal
This through Jesus our friend
Who loves us without end

 Because of Jesus Christ, we are assured that the grave is not our destination, merely the portal to immortality and eternal life.

Friday, March 21, 2014

There's a Warm Feeling in My Heart

There's a warm feeling in my heart
When I read the Book of Mormon
The Spirit begins to impart
And revelation starts forming

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Love Will Glow

Love will glow
In your heart to shine
There to show
This is but a sign
Of God's gift
to the hearts of man
When we lift
And serve all we can

May Knowledge Pour Down From Heaven Above

May knowledge pour down from Heaven above
Upon each Latter-Day Saint
That all may find His mysteries, there of
And know who is mighty to save

Isaiah 45:8

Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.

The Lord's Descent

There was something in our Lord's descent
That made man's ascent possible
With all our frailties, he could lament
And make sin's stains then washable

He descended beneath all things
And mankind's sins became His
A death's sentence, for our doings
Called...though He'd done naught amiss

Then, He willingly submitted
To this gruesome form of death
As they tortured, mocked, and spitted
And caused pain with every breath

Though, they pierced His healing hands,
His pure heart, and His feet we are to follow
When He died, He broke the bands
Of death, in two days from the morrow

Luke  23:39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him,
saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

23:40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear
God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 23:41 And we indeed
justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath
done nothing amiss.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Death is NOT our Journey's End

Death is not our journey's end
As through the veil we'll pass
Unto our Lord- our dear friend
Where love will ever last

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

How to Disagree Appropriately

Appropriately disagree
With a calm body and voice
Never, ever sound angry
You can make the better choice

Teaching Self Government: On Air 4/19/12 (Part 3)

Self-governing children
Are strictly sound
For they better choose when
Safety is found

Parenting Revolution

The home is a warm safe nest
Where we learn to be our best
Where self-government is sought
As principles are taught

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?
  • Despite offering rewards or making threats, your kids just won’t do what you ask them to do
  • You consider yourself calm and cool, but for some reason you lose it when your kids misbehave or act disrespectfully
  • Generally you feel you’re doing all right as a parent, but you want to make sure that you stay connected to your children, especially through the teenage years
  • Your teenage children are out of control and you don’t know what to do
  • You want to have a calm, happy family from the start and be ready to handle any future problems peacefully. 
If any of these scenarios sound familiar or if you’re just looking to become a better parent, then you are invited to attend a parenting seminar by Nicholeen Peck, a seasoned parenting coach, author of “Teaching Self Government: A House United”, foster parent, and mother of four children.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

EFY 2010 - I Am His Daughter

A daughter to our king
With a lovely voice to sing
Lets us know of God's care
Through her talents, to share!

Read the cute interview of this lovely redhead who thought she was Ariel as a child.

Nicole Sheahan Headshot

Be Meek and Lowly of Heart

Be meek and lowly of heart
Seek to know and do your part
Let the Spirit guide you more
To become like our pure Lord

Baptism is the Entrance Gate


Baptism is the entrance gate
For our walk with Jesus Christ
Treasures of knowledge await
For purpose and peace in life

Here we find forgiveness for sin
And sweet hope.  We are uplifted
Such that second chances begin
There is room for those who've drifted

Faith is to hope for things unseen
And to desire what is right
Come and follow our Lord and seek
His words of eternal life

In Meek Response

How do you respond
When someone offends you?
Do you think upon
What you should say and do?

Avoid contention
Be calm and temperate
Change your reaction
Believe great things await

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Teacher Hugged My Work Today

My teacher hugged my work today
A smile was on her face
She put it on the board all day
I felt I'd won first place

This warmed my heart and I was proud
My work had been my best!
And tomorrow, I have no doubt
That I will ace the test!

A teacher should ask, "at the end of the day, what do I want my students to go home knowing?"

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Oh How We Need General Conference

Oh how we need General Conference
To be renewed and fortified
It is filled with counsel and cautions
May the Spirit manifest to guide

Under the direction of the Lord
Comes each message He wants to give
Let us listen and make a record
Of our resolve to better live

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Grandson of Nelson Mandela Talks About "Beyond Right & Wrong"

Let's forgive, move past, transcend
And take the time to see...
What defines us in the end
Is our humanity

(humaneness; benevolence.

"he praised them for their standards of humanity, care, and dignity"
synonyms: compassion, brotherly love, fraternity, fellow feeling, philanthropy, humaneness, kindness, consideration, understanding, sympathy, tolerance)

Friday, March 7, 2014

We Never Walk Alone

Depend on prayer
I plead with you
Open up, share
Be eager to...


We never walk alone
Along the narrow way
As with the Lord we're known
He's with us as we pray

Comfort, strength, and power
Assures us as we pray
Heaven's blessings shower
Peace... along the way

Sunset: My Experience with Anticipatory Grief

Like a sunset, glorious, yet brief;
I live daily for her one day.
Though with anticipatory grief,
She will live in my heart always.

Sunset: My Experience with Anticipatory Grief

I feel this anticipatory grief. Why does it help to put a name to what you are feeling? I have a family member that just found out their first child will not make it past the first day-Anencephaly is a serious birth defect in which a baby is born withoutparts of the brain and skull. It is a type of neural tube defect (NTD).

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Keeping Sane

The only thing keeping me sane
Is the love that I feel in prayer
From the world of pain, I feel safe
As I place my life in His care

Mountains to Climb

When pain is raw with tears

Let God know all your fears

Climb that mountain in the way

Exercise your faith and pray

The Naming of John the Baptist

Let God be praised
For each child raised
Unto Him to know
The straight path to grow

May we serve without fear

In righteousness before all
May we feel His love near
And answer our unique call

May we raise up unto Him
Children to do His will,

Out of gratitude, given
As a light on the hill

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bullying - Stop It

What do you do for a laugh?

Is it at another's expense?

Know that the effects will last

And can turn on you in an instant

Knowing We Might Falter

Knowing we might falter
The Lord always has a plan
Naught is lost or altered
In the numbered days of man and Covenants 10:1–45. Satan seeks to destroy the Lord’s work, but the Lord’s greater wisdom, knowledge, and power ensure that His work is not frustrated.

A Place of Peace

A Place of Peace

A place of peace
Amidst life's storm
Where troubles cease
And hearts are warm

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pray over a Name

As you pray over a name
The Lord reveals the heart
If conversion is the aim
The Spirit will impart

Life's Lessons

Like a chapter book
Life's lesson are taught
As you care to look
And give it much thought

God's Love

God's love is a feeling
That is rich to share
A treasure for healing
All our wounds made bare


Fearful and discontent
We put off "someday"
For one that's distant
And far from today

But, there is no progress
No growth... to expand
Except when we let stress
Teach us something grand

Life's Mysteries

Life's mysteries least understood
Dangle like heavenly strands of thread
They promise us all that is good
Offering us hope to look ahead