
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hastening More Along

Hastening more along
The uncut stone moves on
Faster than ever before
All for the work of the Lord.

Romania Bucharest Mission Celebrates 20th Anniversary
  • By Kim Woodbury, Church News contributor
    • 29 JULY 2013
...1996 to 1999, 11 new cities and the country of Moldova were opened to missionary work. “Miracle after miracle occurred and it was obvious that the Lord was in charge... ...shared the biblical story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the stone cut out of the mountain without hands and said,...“Through the dedication of the Romanian land, this stone, this kingdom came in 1990 to the land of our ancestors, our Romanian land, which is sacred and holy to us.” “The history of the Church in Romania and Moldova is still being written,” Elder Nelson said. “Missionaries have brought the light of the Lord to the people, particularly those who suffered the ravages of communism and the wicked reign of a ruthless dictator. These converts have been so very faithful in embracing the gospel.”Chris Jessop, one of the first four proselyting missionaries in Romania, recalled arriving in Bucharest in December 1990, less than one year after the revolution that overthrew communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.“Romania seemed dark, cold and gray. Bullet holes still riddled many of the buildings in downtown Bucharest. However, we quickly learned that behind the pre-fabricated concrete lived people who were warm, loving and humble who were ready to be taught the gospel.” Brother Jessop said.

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