
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Because of Jesus Christ

Because of Jesus Christ
The atonement has been made.
The world has been made right
With the price of man's sins paid!
The fearful spectacle of death
Yields all the dead unto paradise.
Assuring, we will resurrect!
The body and spirit both will rise!
He, who has marked the narrow way,
Invites us to come follow Him.
He promises His spirit always
As we keep all God's laws for man.

Teaching Our Children
"Because of Jesus Christ the world has changed, the divine Atonement has been made, the price of sin has been paid, and the fearful spectacle of death yields to the light of truth and the assurance of resurrection. Though the years roll by, His birth, His ministry, His legacy continue to guide the destiny of all who follow Him as He so invitingly urged."
—Thomas S. Monson, "Teaching Our Children"
Topics: AtonementProphetic Messages

We talked about Paradise in Family Home Evening.  When Jesus was on the cross, He said,"Tomorrow you will be with me in Paradise. But, He also said to Mary, "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to the Father." These are two different places! Paradise (Spirit World) being a place of learning. We will need to reunite with our bodies at some point and be judged at some point. Here is a great explanation:

The Atonement

Before the world was organized, our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer....
Christ in Gethsemane

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