The mantle falls upon him
When a bishop's called to serve
A transformation starts within
To learn how to observe
And listen without speaking much
To fulfill the call with love
A kindly shepherd tending flock
Till they return to the fold above
Inspired by Brother Nelson paying tribute to Brother Rasmussen (my mom's past bishop and home teacher who is moving).
The Mantle of Elijah
Ensign, Aug 2002
Elijah. “His recorded words are few but forceful, and his deeds are explicit evidences of his strength of will, force of character, and personal courage” ...Elijah approached him and threw his mantle (cloak) over Elisha’s shoulders, signifying Elisha’s call to be his attendant and disciple. Elisha then kissed his parents good-bye, gave away all he owned, and “arose, and went after Elijah, and ministered unto him” (see 1 Kgs. 19:19–21).
1 Elijah confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel and reproved them for the murder of Naboth (see 1 Kgs. 21:1–29).
2Then Elijah twice called down fire from heaven to consume 50 soldiers sent by the king to arrest him (see 2 Kgs. 1:1–12).
3Finally, Elijah rebuked Ahab’s son King Ahaziah for seeking counsel from false gods, prophesying of Ahaziah’s imminent death (see 2 Kgs. 1:13–17).
Meanwhile.... Elisha was an eyewitness to the power of Elijah’s priesthood keys. In like manner we can be assured that the Lord is preparing mighty leaders today to move His latter-day kingdom forward through their service to the Master, Jesus Christ.
As Elijah and Elisha approached the banks of the Jordan River, Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, and struck the water with it. Then something occurred that hadn’t happened since the days of Joshua over 450 years before: the water “divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground” (2 Kgs. 2:8; see also Josh. 3:14–17). This was witnessed by 50 of the sons of the prophets.
If you don't remember the story read on to find out how Elisha finally received the mantle upon him and others knew it! (as they should...)
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