
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Gift of Love is Sacred

The light we carry
Is a gift of love
A hug for sharing
What comes from above

Sex is an intimate topic
Deserving of respect
For, in truth, it is sacred
A gift from God to protect

The refinement of life
Designed to polish man's composure
Has taken us further from light
And purity, rather than much closer

Why be morally clean?
What does this doctrine mean?
Our bodies have been bought by Christ
Shall we desecrate that high price?

For we will be washed in His blood
To be judged and resurrect
Need it be a river in flood?
Who will feel the pain, to perfect?

Oh the joy of the man and wife
Who join together, clean
Who prepare for eternal life
And all that this will mean

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments

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