
Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Cautionary Tale

The cautionary tale
Of misery-
What happens when we fail

The land was bought
In this frontier
Midst outlaws, fraught
Warnings were clear

But, Zion was lost
In their hearts, first
And at a high cost
As mobs saw their worst   ( disaffected Mormons )

God knows
Our hearts
Where flows
Sin's starts

In Sunday school we talked about how the Saints were in Missouri for the groundbreaking for things to come at a future date.
Such as the miraculous storm and surrounding events in:

  1. Doctrine and Covenants 105:14
    14 For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will a fight your battles.

    which prepared great men to become leaders in the church.

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