
Monday, June 17, 2013

Jesus Christ Is the Way

My husband abandoned me
And I took a very long journey
I had children to take care of
But, my strength alone was not enough

Soon, I became a drug addict
With power to explode
For what I sought to self inflict
Took me down a hard road

I never looked in the mirror
For I had become something ugly
Then, one day I knelt in terror
Praying to end my life of drugging

 God led me down a path of peace
Found in a simple scripture
The words: "Seek and you shall find" did please
And for more I did venture

For in truth I wanted more
To no longer be confused
I sought to repent to the Lord
And my family I had abused

Twenty-seven years is a long time
To try to "do this life" alone
But through the Book of Mormon I find
The way to Christ that it makes known

Today I can look in the mirror
And feel God's love, superior
"Today I want everyone to see
What the Lord has done with me!"

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